Soon to be recruit jitters

My son John has been studying hard for the asvab test on Thursday while his mom and I try to calm our ragged nerves. I just learned that we can be there with him on Friday as he selects his job and that makes his mother and I happy. He did very well on the smaller version of the test the recruiter gave him at our house when he came out to talk to John originally but he really wants to get a good job. His second big concern is whether he will miss opening day of deer season here in Michigan. He says the recruiter told him he gets two weeks off after boot camp but we can't seem to verify that. Also was wondering how long it wait for the school he wants to go to after boot? What do they do while they wait? This site and Navy for Mom's has already been a huge help to my wife and myself. Thanks to the creator for taking the time and effort to put this together. I'm sure we will have lots more questions as he progresses through this. Larry

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  • Larry, tell John just to relax and think carefully about his answers the ASVAB and he will do fine. I will echo everyone else in that he will most likely ship out to his A school location a day or so after his PIR. Then it is a waiting game for the class to begin. My son, Kevin, told me he would get 2 weeks of leave upon completion of A school except if he gets his wish and gets stationed where he wants (overseas) he would get 3 weeks leave. We will wait and see!
  • Not a Navy expert by any means (I was Army), but son finished boot 9/12/08 and only stayed at GL for the weekend. He was gone by Sunday night. He spent a few weeks prior to A school going to additional classes and working around the barracks and post until there were enough students that had received their security clearences and background checks to form a class. After A school he started C school within 2 weeks and only was able to come home for a short time at Xmas. Now that he finished A & C schools he was given 15 days leave before he has to report to his new unit. I know time frames vary depending on job/rate/school and the 5 words you will learn to hate "The Needs Of The Navy"...............LOL! I am sure the recruiter is giving you the information he has NOW, but "THE NEEDS OF THE NAVY" can and do change without notice or even it seems any reason.
  • Thanks for the insight. I will do exactly that.
  • If this were my question I would check with the group ask a Recruiter? The answer you were given has proved true for all most all on this site including for my son. However, my experience with the military is that things change as much as they stay the same. The Navy had a record recruiting year in 2008 and as our kids have experienced many of the schools are backed weeks and sometimes months.
  • That's kind of what I thought. I found it very hard to believe that they would give them 2 weeks off right after they get them squared away. Thanks for the reply.
  • Larry, tell John good luck on the test. He won't get two weeks off after boot camp. Once he graduates from RTC they will send him straight to A school. After A school is when he will get some time to come home before heading to the fleet. Once he gets to A school the pattern has been for most Sailors to wait for class to start for 2-6 months. They do odd jobs while on hold. Hope this helps a little.
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