What info can we send?

There is some terrific info here! My son is still at boot camp, then off to Nuke school.
He's trying to decide if he should go sub or carrier. With the sub he's 3 months on/off, carrier 6 months. He and his fiance are already finding this "brief" time apart difficult.

I have found great info here! Some topics that either weren't covered by his recruiter, or at least seem to be much more "objective" here!
I'm not trying to sway him either way, but I would like him (and his fiance) to consider more than just the "carrots" he's been given so far.

I know better than to send anything "political or sensitive", but again there are some great topics, ideas, and insight here, that I would like to pass on (i.e. recent discussion here about sub vs. carrier, etc…). What he does with it is his business.

I am THRILLED with the opportunities that appear ahead, but I want him (them) to make as "informed" a decision as possible. Thanks for any input that you may have as to what I can feel safe sending! Mark

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  • Jim, Thanks for that input! I felt pretty confident that most anything I saw here would be OK.

    I'm sure it does take a "special breed" of person to do sub! In fact, my son had said (before boot camp) that he couldn't see himself "underwater" for any lenghth of time...we all agreed!

    Now that he and his fiance (whom we all love), have been apart during boot camp... 3 mos on/off a sub is sounding better than 6 mos on/off a carrier! I remember being young and early in love, but I'm also thinking there has to be more he (they) need to be taking into consideration!  Thanks Again!

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