what to bring to graduation

Good day to all,

My son graduates August 4th, this Friday. What do I need to bring/ can I bring? is he allowed to have at A school? We believe he will stay at Great Lakes for Interior Communications Electrician.

We are bringing his ipod, phone so he can catch up with a few friends and family members while on leave and thought about bringing a favorite book of his as well. What else can he have, or is there a list I have not seen about this?

Thank you for your time, Hooyah!

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  • Mr. Gramza, do you have any idea what A school grads are allotted shipping to their permanent duty station?  My son will be attending A school in GL and will be there a few months before PCS, he wants to be comfortable but not too comfortable

  • He can have his electronics, but he can't take possession of them until after he moves into his A school barracks. Most A schools will not allow their use until after they "phase up" in their training. The first few weeks will be a little like boot camp, then things slack up a bit.

    I wouldn't take too much for him. Just remember that he has to pack it all up when he goes to his first duty station.

    Some civilian clothes can be given to him also, but he probably won't get to wear them for a while. He'll have to stow all of that stuff for his first few inspections.

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