Each order from Navyoutfitters.com now through Sept.10, 2010 enters your name in a chance to win this U.S. Navy Clay-Filled 500 Poker Chip Set w/Custom Case. Drawing will be held Sept.10, 2010 at 8:00pm central here on NavyDads.Com. This is an awesome looking set in person, I've seen them retail as high as $129. This is a perfect gift to keep for yourself or to send to your Sailor. Good Luck!


Also, each processed order comes with this free USN - NAVYDADS.COM sticker. Additional stickers will also be available for purchase.



The shirts in the store have been restocked in all sizes. The "new" Navy - Honor,Courage,Commitment shirt is the only one not yet available, the new version of this shirt will be available in 7-10 days.


Thank you for supporting our "Official Navy Dads Store"


E.G. Moore


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  • just wanted to re-post what EG has up top:

    Each order from Navyoutfitters.com now through Sept.10, 2010 enters your name in a chance to win this U.S. Navy Clay-Filled 500 Poker Chip Set w/Custom Case. Drawing will be held Sept.10, 2010 at 8:00pm central here on NavyDads.Com. This is an awesome looking set in person, I've seen them retail as high as $129. This is a perfect gift to keep for yourself or to send to your Sailor. Good Luck!

    get your orders in to be automatically registered for the poker ship set.
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