Hey guys, well my son was set to graduate this Friday coming up and I received a call from him today that he failed his 1.5 mile run by 45sec. and they are making him do four more weeks with an expected graduation date of January 17th. The tone in his voice was devastating to me, he couldn't talk long only to tell me he failed and his new ship number and division. He told me he had to sign an artical 13, don't know what that means I just pray he passes this one, to me this failure or success he will take with him for the rest of his life I sent him the most encouraging letter I could possibly send with all the best advice I know any advice or info for me would greatly be appreciated, pass fail rates of kids that have gone through this ect...... Thanks as always in advance Mark.
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Be upbeat and communicate to him that he's "got this".....I wouldn't give him things like pass/fail rates as that does nothing but put more pressure on him...he knows what the deal is and he knows what he has to do...if you give him advice remind him that is a timed run and that it only hurts for about 12 minutes......