My son just went to Recruit Training and is scheduled to graduate April 27th. I'm sure someone has asked this before, but what items is he allowed to bring with him to A School and what things are prohibited? The Recruit Training site is awesome in providing this same information, but I haven't seen much for A School. I would like to bring him his phone, iPod, etc, as long as I know what is allowed. Thanks!
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We met our Sailor at O'Hare at 0200 getting there just in time for his 0800 flight. Actually the airline was quite accommodating and allowed our son to have two carry on bags. He had a back pack from GL and a 2nd from us with his laptop, cell phone, a few civvies, etc.
Most of the items you have listed are allowed, HOWEVER they are not allowed to have these items in boot camp, and it makes NO sense to end boot camp by screwing up. I know some sailors have smuggled them back on base after liberty, but my suggestion is to meet them at the airport and give them to them there (you can always put them into a small carry on bag that he shove into his seabag before he checks it in, or carry it on with him OR wait until he settles in at A school and ship them down via overnight mail. As much as he may want them and as hard as it is for him to believe, he will live for a few days without them. Where will he be going for A school?
When your son graduates from boot, he will have some time to spend with you but, then will have to report back to his barracks. He cannot take anything back with him.If he is going somewhere other than Great Lakes for A school, you can meet him at the aiport and give him his phone, etc. to take to A school with him. At A school, he can have just about anything and civilian clothes. You just cannot give him anything if he has to go back to his RTC barracks after boot graduation. Congratulations. Go to the graduation, it's awesome!