
  • Good deal. I know you are both happy! Expect it to be shorter than the 43 days called for. It is computer based, so the instructors drive the pace. Good luck to him. He will be in San Diego before it gets cold in Chicago! Keep in touch!
  • My son was classed today.
  • My son still hasn't heard anything. He's hoping it's soon though.
  • Philip I was speaking to my son yesterday and he said the instructors said there is a new ATT class starting next week.
  • I thought my son told me they were all there on the Missouri. Who knows. Yes mineman are a small community. That is one reason my son was upset about the ratings because he is proud to becoming a mineman.
  • He is on the Essex. I've read about all I can find on it. There just aren't many of them in the fleet.
  • I assume your son is at the uss misssouri ? Hopefully it won't be long for him. Encourage him to stay busy and motivated.
  • What types of groups are you referring too? If there were a way you could find out when the last AAT class finished versus it starting on 9/15. Maybe you could get a gauge. Originally they told my son it would be up to 30'days, but it made 1 week later. I am not sure how many are in his class, he has told me they push the pace and it is all on computers. It shows a 43 days program, but it looks like they will finish around 2 weeks early. Most of what I have found out about mineman is thru him telling me. Here is a link if you haven't seen it.
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