Navy School Students
Policies & Restrictions


After boot camp, Navy recruits attend technical training (usually called "A School"). During technical training, there are restrictions on what recruits can and cannot do while attending Navy schools. These restrictions are divided into different phases. In short, technical training begins with numerous restrictions, and -- as time goes on -- restrictions are steadily lifted. The different phases, and the restrictions which apply to each phase of training are listed below:


A key component of the liberty policy must be an understanding of the equilibrium required between personal and professional life and that liberty is dependent on all military, technical training requirements, and work being completed. The objective of this policy is to provide students a phased and sequential transition from the highly restrictive recruit training environment, to one more like that which is experienced by Sailors in the Fleet. Those training commands which are located in the same regional area will coordinate with one another to ensure a uniform policy for all students in their area.


The following Phase Ladder of Privileges Liberty Policy is applicable to those students which are reporting to to Navy schools directly from Recruit Training Command.


Phase I - The first 3 weeks after recruit training.

- Wearing of civilian clothing not authorized.

- On-base liberty only during the training week.

- Consumption of alcoholic beverages not authorized.

- All liberty will expire at 2200.

- Must complete command indoctrination prior to off base liberty.


Phase II - Personnel may be advanced to Phase II upon meeting the following conditions:

- 3 weeks on board under Phase I.

- Completion of NMT core curriculum.

- Within Navy physical fitness standards.

- Satisfactory uniform appearance.

- Satisfactory academic standing.

- Satisfactory military performance.


At the discretion of the Commanding Officer, liberty during school nights will expire at a time to ensure 6 hours of continuous sleep in a 24 hour period.


Phase III - Personnel may be advanced to Phase III upon meeting the following conditions:

- 4 weeks in Phase II.

- Within Navy physical fitness standards.

- Satisfactory uniform appearance.

- Satisfactory academic standing.

- Satisfactory military performance.

Will allow Sailors under NMT to experience liberty equivalent to that of staff.


Commands where training pipeline students continue from “A” to “C” school (“A” schools 6 weeks or less) may coincide completion of Phase II with “A” school graduation.


The chain of command or a non academic review board may recommend Sailors be set back to a previous liberty phase for military infractions or unsatisfactory performance. The setback process and corrective actions for the Sailor to regain earlier liberty status will be appropriately documented. All setbacks will be approved by that person who is given this authority in writing by the officer.


Other General School Policies:


Gender Integration: Appropriate interaction which occurs between men and women in the training command is very beneficial in preparing new Sailors to operate in the mixed gender environment which they will encounter aboard ship. With this in mind, the learning objectives for gender integration are:

a. Students will understand that performance, not gender, will determine how far and fast a Sailor will progress in the Navy.

b. Sailors will live and work together. They can and must depend upon each other in daily operations and in combat regardless of gender.


Berthing: The following policy and guidelines will be observed:


Configuration and policy guidelines for berthing will have as their objective the preparation of every Sailor for gender integrated living at the operational level, whether afloat, battalion, or squadron. Berthing to house men and women will be in the same building, emulating shipboard environment whenever possible. Gender privacy and dignity is paramount. All berthing must be secure and well supervised.

a. As loading/facility availability permits, students should be berthed together by class, by school, and by command.

b. Within the same building, the school will maintain separate and secure berthing areas on separate decks and or wings with permanent physical barriers (not movable partition) separating men and women.

c. Males and females will not share head/bath facilities, living room, or kitchens between adjacent rooms or modules. Joint male and female use of common areas such as laundry facilities, television (TV) room, and study lounge is authorized.

d. For those BQs with central head/bath facilities:


1. Male and female living areas will not be intermixed. They will be clearly defined and identifiable, such as a floor, a wing, or one end of a passageway.

2. Separate head/bath facilities must be an integral part of a defined area and clearly designated as male or female.

3. Passageways in defined areas will be considered as part of respective living area. They will not be used as common passageways for both sexes in the normal course of building use, entrance, and exit.

4. Clearly defined male or female living areas must have some form of fixed (not moveable) partition, wall/divider to prevent visual access by the opposite sex.


e. No student watches shall ever be required to enter the berthing area of the opposite gender except in an emergency. During indoctrination it shall be stressed to student personnel that living areas of the opposite sex are off limits and out of bounds.

f. Staff personnel of the same gender should be available in the BQs after normal training hours for supervision, counseling, and mentoring.

g. When staff personnel are required to be present in a living area used by the opposite sex in performance of their duty, such as inspections or maintenance, they shall loudly announce their presence by the statement "male/female on deck" prior to entering such area.

h. Appropriate attire must be worn when outside individual berthing spaces.

i. Sailors who attend night classes shall not be berthed with students assigned day classes, except when full barracks utilization necessitates.

j. Inspections will be conducted periodically (at least weekly) to ensure all berthing is maintained in accordance with local standards. Commands shall establish, publish, explain, and enforce standards for assigned Sailors.

k. Material for official bulletin boards shall be specified to include policies on sexual harassment, equal opportunity, grievance procedures, safety reading, command issues, and BEQ policies/daily routine.

Tobacco Policy. Activities shall maintain an environment that supports smoking abstinence, discourages use of any tobacco products, and is in support of the Navy Tobacco Cessation Program.


a. As directed by command instruction, smoking may be restricted during certain phases of training.

Civilian Clothes Policy: Commands will establish a civilian clothes standard that supports Navy Uniform Regulations and the highest standards of appearance. Sailors shall be trained on appropriate civilian attire. The policy for civilian attire should be consistent throughout the command (i.e., same for staff and students) and vigorously enforced.

a. During Phase I, the wearing of civilian clothing is not authorized.

Uniform Policy: All students will be routinely inspected when in uniform, both formally and informally with a critical eye for proper wear and fit. Particular attention should be given to the jumper, skirt, and trouser lengths, and the fit of all outer garments. The ability to wear the neckerchief and necktie correctly, as well as the overall appearance and grooming of the individual, shall also be evaluated. The objective of this policy is to ensure students demonstrate and know the proper wear, care, and maintenance of all uniforms.

a. All uniform discrepancies will be corrected, including necessary tailoring and alterations and the replacement of missing uniform articles. Discrepancies of those uniforms which were issued at boot camp, may be corrected at no cost to the member.


b. Staff members shall provide guidance to trainees in correcting uniform discrepancies.

Alcoholic Beverages: Except as specifically authorized by SECNAVINST 1700.11C, the purchase, possession, and consumption of alcoholic beverages within any installation or vessel under naval jurisdiction are prohibited. Possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages or alcoholic beverage containers in "A" school berthing/lounge areas are hereby specifically prohibited.

All personnel who may legally consume alcoholic beverages shall not do so within six hours of training or standing duty and must ensure they are "FIT FOR DUTY” at all appropriate times. Individuals who are drunk or incapacitated for duty because of prior consumption of alcoholic beverages violate Article 134, UCMJ.


a. Consumption of alcoholic beverages during Phase I is prohibited. Starting with Phase II, students of the legal drinking age may consume alcohol.

Holding Division: (Optional). Holding Divisions may be operated to provide for berthing, supervision, and employment of students awaiting "A" schools and those students whose instruction has been interrupted. It will include personnel not transferred to a Transient Personnel Unit (TPU) and provide for berthing, supervision, and employment of those school graduates whose departure from CNET activities is delayed awaiting orders, passports, baby holds, medical holds, and similar situations. Operation of the Holding Division and procedures for placing personnel in this division must be covered by local instructions. Department Head/Officer in Charge (OIC) of the Holding Division shall conduct continuous liaison with the Personnel Management Officer to ensure responsiveness of Holding Division to pipeline requirements in order that no awaiting training or graduate remains in the division longer than necessary.


a. Personnel awaiting separation or transfer for disciplinary reasons will not be berthed with students awaiting instruc-tion/ transfer.

b. Personnel arriving from Recruit Training awaiting instruction/training will be subject to NMT policy including phase liberty/privileges and receive NMT core training.


Motivational Tools During the recruit training process of turning civilians into Sailors the Recruit Division Commander (Basic Training) is authorized to use motivational tools such as instructional training exercises ITE (ordering a recruit to perform push-ups, jumping jacks, etc. upon demand). The purpose in their use is to provide a quick means of motivation in correcting substandard performance.


During the time Sailors are under NMT (Navy Schools other than Basic), the use of ITE is not appropriate and is not authorized. Consistent with the mission of NMT and appropriate with preparing Sailors for transition to the fleet, the use of extra military instruction (EMI) is authorized.


Daily Routine Policy: The daily routine for student personnel is the basic tool to prepare students for the rigors of Navy life. To ensure Sailors are provided with sufficient time to complete all training requirements, supervisors must be completely familiar with the daily routine. The complete standard training workweek is extended, because each daily evolution is a training event for new Sailors. NMT training requirements are designed to augment technical training requirements, neither extending time on board nor superseding technical training requirements.


Commands shall establish a daily routine that facilitates completion of all training requirements. Daily routines shall be published and enforced. Daily routines will include normal Navy routines including reveille, quarters for muster, inspection, and instruction, scheduled inspections, watch training, sweepers, taps, etc.


Navy Military Training Schedule NMT represents a variety of teaching and learning experiences in conjunction with technical training. A valid and reliable training schedule is vital for both the student and instructor. Accordingly, commands will develop and post a NMT schedule as a supplement to the school Course Master Schedule. The schedule will include as a minimum: staff led PT, seabag, personnel and berthing inspections, deployability counseling, and NMT curriculum. NMT time requirements will not be used to lengthen any course.


Field Days: All hands field days may be scheduled on a not-to-interfere basis with other training requirements. Field days shall not extend past taps.


Student Leadership: The opportunity to exercise responsibility for group performance, coupled with followership, is a significant step in leadership development. Practicing leadership skills within a controlled environment should provide a positive experience, foster a keen sense of responsibility, appreciation for high moral standards, and a desire to maintain good order and discipline. Given that they have a unique relationship with their peers, it is critical student leaders facilitate communication between staff and students.

a. Commands shall establish specific student leadership positions. The positions will have written performance criteria and standard training. Where appropriate, leadership positions that are watch stations (e.g., duty section leader) shall have Personal Qualification Standards (PQS) or Job Qualification Requirements (JQR) prepared under chapter 6. Normal student leader


positions may include:

1. Class Leader

2. Section Leader

3. Master-at-Arms

4. Yeoman

5. Training Petty Officer

6. PT Leader

7. Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) Petty Officer


Note: Students assigned to leadership positions shall not act to filter communication or block access to staff personnel. While student leaders make a positive contribution to achieving the command mission, student leaders will not be assigned staff responsibilities or duties without prior approval of the commanding officer.

b. Training/Feedback. The value derived from student leadership is greatest when one-on-one senior-junior training occurs. Student leaders must be trained on their responsibili-ties and given both positive and constructive feedback on their performance. The training and feedback shall be conducted on a regularly scheduled basis and as situations require.

c. Rotation. Commands may define periodic rotation of leader responsibilities to allow maximum student participation and opportunity.


Recognition: The realistic appraisal and recognition of outstanding performance is indicative of command effectiveness and morale. The Navy must exert positive efforts to recognize Sailors who do well. The positive reinforcement of Sailor's outstanding performance, no matter how slight, is crucial to individual development and motivation. A single word of encouragement can make a difference.

a. Commands shall establish processes that recognize outstanding achievement, and set recognition criteria so every sailor can achieve success.

b. Suggested methods include, but are not limited to:

1. Assignment to performing units such as color/honor guard, drill team, choir, flags unit, or marching units.

2. Exemption from personnel inspection. Previous personnel inspection Outstanding.

3. Exemption from berthing inspection. Previous berth-ing inspection Outstanding.

4. Extended liberty hours.

5. Assignment to other positions of responsibility.

6. Commanding officer's letter of commendation.

7. Honorman recognition.


Watch Standing: The Navy places vast trust and responsibility in the hands of new recruits. Warfighting teams cannot function without them. Student watches shall be maintained when possible. The goal is to emulate the shipboard environment, teaching principles of responsibility, authority, and teamwork. Sailors must devote time to learning the skills that will enable them to qualify as watch standers.


Watch standing must prepare Sailors to join the U.S. Navy war-fighting team. All watch standing shall be designed to teach students the skills necessary for watch stander performance: forehandedness, vigilance, judgment, leadership, and technical knowledge. Routines including watch preparation, relieving the watch, watch conduct, and turning over the watch shall be super-vised as necessary to ensure a taut watch is the command stan-dard.


All student personnel are eligible watch standers unless specifically excused by the Division Leading Chief Petty Officer. Students who are assigned to mandatory remedial training will not be assigned to watches which prevent their attendance. No "under instruction" student may be assigned a watch during the academic training day.


Student personnel, while in a duty status, shall not leave the base confines without authorization of the Staff Duty Officer. Relief watches shall eat early meals and proceed directly to t heir post to relieve the watch.


All watchstanders shall be properly indoctrinated as to the basic function, duties, responsibilities, and authority of the watch prior to being assigned watch.

A rigorous qualification process improves the skill of watch standers, develops sound Sailors and true watch standing teams.

a. All watch standers shall properly qualify as to the function, duties, responsibilities, and authority of a watch prior to being assigned the watch.

b. All students shall qualify as watch standers using PQS, where available, or locally prepared JQR.

c. Commands shall establish a watch qualification program to include elements such as qualification cards, standard answers, progress charts, written tests, and oral boards.


Uniform Watch standers will report for duty in the uniform prescribed by command policy.


A policy of entry/exit monitoring of all personnel at the "A" School/Apprentice Training Barracks is required. Personnel assigned to duty throughout the command shall be thoroughly familiar with this policy and instructed to vigorously enforce it.


Local directives will establish watch requirements. Watches shall not be assigned as a disciplinary action. Watches assigned as remediation for watch knowledge are permitted. Students under instruction shall not be assigned a watch longer than 2 hours in duration between 0001 and 0600 for students on days preceding training. Split shift student watch schedules should be adjusted accordingly.


Berthing Areas Student watch standing in berthing (sleeping) areas occupied by the opposite sex is not authorized.


A copy of the basic function, duties, responsibilities, and authority of each watch shall be available where the watch is posted.


Security and Safety Major factors to consider when establishing watches are safety, security, and proper operation of the command. No student watch shall ever be required to enter the berthing area of the opposite gender except in an emergency. A training program will be established to ensure watch standers know which situations require an emergency entry into opposite gender berthing.


Quarterdeck: The dignity and appearance of the quarterdeck are traditional symbols of the professional and seaman like attitude of a crew.

a. Each command shall establish formal quarterdecks at selected student entry points, normally the barracks where students reside or school building where classes are conducted.

b. Each person entering a quarterdeck shall salute the national ensign if displayed. They shall stop on entering the quarterdeck, face the national ensign, and render the salute, after which they shall salute the watch, present identification card, and request permission to come on board. On leaving the quarterdeck, they shall render the salutes in inverse order. The watch shall return both salutes in each case. When in civilian attire, appropriate honors will be rendered by facing the flag and standing at attention. If covered, headdress (hats) will be removed with the right hand and held at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart.

c. The quarterdeck is reserved for the proper conduct of official and ceremonial functions. Watches shall not have visitors. Persons not on official business shall not loiter on or near the quarterdeck. All personnel in uniform shall remain covered while on the quarterdeck. Eating or drinking shall not be allowed on the quarterdeck. Open beverages or foodstuffs shall not be carried across the quarterdeck.


Physical Training: All training commands shall schedule and complete a minimum of three 1-hour periods per week of physical exercise. Students onboard greater than 20 weeks will have an official Physical Readiness Test conducted in accordance with OPNAVINST 6110.1.


During indoctrination, staff and students will receive orientation on the command’s Physical Training Program. This program shall consist of warm up, stretching, calisthenics, strength building, and aerobic exercise with a cool down period. Students received without a completed Risk Factor Screening must complete one as required by OPNAVINST 6110.1 and be screened to determine if they are within height-weight standards. Any potential medical problems identified will be referred to a medical officer for evaluation prior to participating in physical exercise.


a. Students shall participate in staff led/supervised (staff will participate and lead by example) physical exercise, a minimum of 1 hour in duration, 3 days each week. It is highly encouraged that all sessions be conducted in uniform athletic a ttire to promote esprit de corps, (Sailors are issued Navy athletic clothing during recruit training). A minimum of two staff members shall be present during any scheduled physical exercise session and distinguishable from the students. One session each week may be a team sports activity supervised by the command.


b. When a temporary medical waiver is granted, in order to minimize the extent and loss of physical fitness during the wavered period, the student will conscientiously pursue an alternative conditioning program consistent with the treatment of the wavered condition, as guided by a medical doctor. Many conditions, for example, do not preclude exercise such as swimming, cycling, aerobics, rowing, or brisk walking.


nspections. Inspections are an important, fundamental part of the Navy. They are not merely a traditional or ceremonial drill, but fulfill a vital function, as means of evaluating the efficiency, morale, and quality of discipline in a military unit.

a. Commands shall establish routine as well as formal Inspections to maintain the highest standards of appearance, uniform serviceability, and to ensure good health and hygiene. Frequent, careful, and critical examination of standards, with praise for work well done, are the hallmarks of good inspections.

b. A formal personnel inspection shall be scheduled and conducted weekly. Inspection uniform shall be determined by the inspection officer. Students shall be in formation and use standard facing movements and commands. Student formations shall be presented by student leaders.

c. A formal berthing inspection shall be scheduled and conducted weekly. d. A formal seabag inspection shall be conducted on any student who exhibits uniform discrepancies. A formal seabag inspection shall be scheduled and conducted for all students prior to transfer. Stenciling, serviceability, and item quantity shall be maintained at 100 percent. All uniform discrepancies will be corrected.


Information Derived from CNET Instruction 1540.20, Navy Military Training Policies & Procedures




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  • Wow, that was quite an eyeful.  Very comprehensive.
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