Where do the AO's go after Pensacola?

My daughter is graduating boot camp in a couple of weeks. She's a grad and go and will leave for Pensacola (AO school) the day after she graduates.  She told us A School is 5 weeks and that she would be coming home after that for 2 weeks.  I'm wondering where she goes after that? Another school or does she go out to the fleet? The Navy made her enlist for 5 years because they said the school was long. 5 weeks doesn't seem long so I'm thinking there is another school. I saw a post on here where someone's son goes directly to Japan after Pensacola. It's confusing to say the least.  Thanks for your input.

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  • Technical Training Information: Enlisteesare taught the fundamentals of this rating through on-the-job training
    or formal Navy schooling. Advanced technical and operational training
    is available in this rating during later stages of career development.

    Course Title Location Calendar Days
    AO Common Core Pensacola 32
    AO Navy Dif-ACT Pensacola 17

    Aviation basic theory and basic skills required for rating Group instruction andpractical application After "A" school, successful graduates are assigned
    to aviation squadrons, aircraft carriers or to other aviation capable
    ships, Naval Air Stations or other shore facilities in the United States
    or overseas. Technicians going to intermediate level maintenance facilities
    for their first assignment will attend advanced training after "A" School.
    Each time a technician is assigned to a new aircraft or equipment, more
    specific and advanced training will be given prior to reporting to respective
    aviation unit. During a 20-year period in the Navy, expect to spend about
    40-50 percent assigned to fleet units and 60-50 percent to shore stations.

    Working Environment: Most of the work in these ratings are performed indoorsand outdoors - in aircraft hangars, on flight lines, and on the deck of
    aircraft carriers, in all climatic conditions, in fast-paced and often
    potentially hazardous environments. Aircrew volunteers may serve as flight
    engineer, rescue, or utility aircrewman on various naval aircraft.

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