My Son left for BC June 21st, when he was at home I was ready to kill him, we were like oil and water. But the day he left I was a blubbering idiot. Its not easy not being able to communicate. His PIR was August 17th and was one of the proudest moments of my life. It goes by faster than you think and before you know it you have a transformed kid. We Skype daily now while he waits for A school to start.
Know the feeling well. My daughter reported to Great Lakes on 14 aug for bootcamp. Got a quick note in the personal effects she sent home. Can't wait for first letter to arrive. I'm really proud of her especially following in my footsteps.
I remember when my son left for bootcamp on April 18th. I cried all day. He is my son but also my best friend; we did everything together. The thought of him being gone was filled with sadness and pride. I couldn't wait to receive a letter and a phone call (when that time came). PIR seemed so far away. But everything actually went quickly. He graduated PIR in June and is just three weeks away from completing A-School. Time has gone by fast...although it doesn't seem like it when you're in the midst of it all.
Hi Harry, my son left to boot camp a year ago and I felt the same way when he left - he just finished A school in Groton, CT and he's home for a few weeks before he goes to his boat in Guam. I'm happy and proud of my son. Time goes by fast - soon your son will be graduating from boot camp and you will be a proud dad! Make sure you go to Chicago for his graduation - it is an awesome experience!
Thanks Alan I hope your son makes out well home sickness is hard I work for the navy in NY with the nuke kids I see it all the time but they seen to make it work im sure your son will to
I know how your are feeling, we are 5 weeks in and its been a roller coaster ride. Son is battling home sickness and i have been waiting for him to get over it, that and now he is sick some kind of chest cold so have not heard how he is doing in PT. They just got done with hell week. 3 weeks until PIR no news is good news seems to be the norm for BC.
THANKS everyone got my phone call my wife used up most of the time when I got on I hear some one say I SAID MAKE IT FAST my son said I got to go LOL
My Son left for BC June 21st, when he was at home I was ready to kill him, we were like oil and water. But the day he left I was a blubbering idiot. Its not easy not being able to communicate. His PIR was August 17th and was one of the proudest moments of my life. It goes by faster than you think and before you know it you have a transformed kid. We Skype daily now while he waits for A school to start.
Know the feeling well. My daughter reported to Great Lakes on 14 aug for bootcamp. Got a quick note in the personal effects she sent home. Can't wait for first letter to arrive. I'm really proud of her especially following in my footsteps.
I remember when my son left for bootcamp on April 18th. I cried all day. He is my son but also my best friend; we did everything together. The thought of him being gone was filled with sadness and pride. I couldn't wait to receive a letter and a phone call (when that time came). PIR seemed so far away. But everything actually went quickly. He graduated PIR in June and is just three weeks away from completing A-School. Time has gone by fast...although it doesn't seem like it when you're in the midst of it all.
Hang in there Harry, my sent left for bootcamp on 8/15 and we can't wait for hiw PIR.
My son just went in on 8-15 so I know the feeling.
My 24yr old Daughter left a week ago today. I know exactly how you are feeling brother
Thanks Alan I hope your son makes out well home sickness is hard I work for the navy in NY with the nuke kids I see it all the time but they seen to make it work im sure your son will to
Hang in there Harry,
I know how your are feeling, we are 5 weeks in and its been a roller coaster ride. Son is battling home sickness and i have been waiting for him to get over it, that and now he is sick some kind of chest cold so have not heard how he is doing in PT. They just got done with hell week. 3 weeks until PIR no news is good news seems to be the norm for BC.