i am looking at the form letter my son send and the access list names my sr used is mom and dad not are gived names will this mess things up i just realized this hes pir is 12 oct 12
holy cow is this bad what can i do to fix this
i am looking at the form letter my son send and the access list names my sr used is mom and dad not are gived names will this mess things up i just realized this hes pir is 12 oct 12
holy cow is this bad what can i do to fix this
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Our boy did that too...does that mean I'm going to your PIR and You're going to our's.....lol
and you will also need his ship and division number....but you'll get in.....be darn sure you have your proper ID
Welcome to the Navy family, Dad! This is not bad... it's ok. The Navy is very much aware that under the new stresses of enlistment and boot camp training, snafus will happen. Just make sure you have your ssn and DL with you. Your Son is now a US Sailor... the whole Navy family is here to assist you and make sure you get to see your son's graduation. Contact the recruiters office or contact RTC Great Lakes to correct the problem if you are unsure how to proceed. They will make sure you get in to PIR. You can go to RTC Great Lakes Facebook page for more information.
Here's some contact information for you:
Recruit Training Command
3355 Illinois Street
Great Lakes , IL 60088
Phone: Public Affairs Office 847-688-2405
Welcome Aboard, Mr. Mesnick! HooYah to you and your family from the US Navy!