
  • Haven't recieved the call yet  but he was able to post a short sentence on fb.  We have a bunch of new sailors.  Can't wait till friday.
    T said:
    I received the BS21 call about 30 minutes ago. Sounds like they are pretty much done until PIR. I believe they all passed.
  • I received the BS21 call about 30 minutes ago. Sounds like they are pretty much done until PIR. I believe they all passed.
  • Guys, PLEASE the date of Battlestations or any other evolution is not for public knowledge. Do you think that only members of this site can read your post? Do you understand that anyone in the world with bad feeling against the US can come here and read your post. If this was a private group it would help and if you PM or emailed each other info that has not already been published to the public no will would know. It looks like you are trying your best to set your guys up to fail with the extra attention you are bring to them. I am sure that NavyDads would put a admin function onto this group before it would chance the Navy to read some info and advise NavyDads they are not following OPSEC.

    My opinion, lets see how this turns out.

  • Yea, I heard its the fourth in a letter. It will be one of those 2 days - I'm guessing.

    Harry said:
    Tony, read your post.  Got a letter from my son saying they would be doing battle stations very soon.
  • Just a reminder to everyone on the Group, please remember OPSEC. Please do not give dates, times or places of anything. If your guy is going SEAL do not say anything. I posted a few things when my Grandson was in training. The whole BUDS Class was called to the beach and a instructor read how I had started post Smurffs Rule after he became a Smurffs. They asked if anyone know grandpa273, after GS raised his hand they all get 5 extra miles and some other PT. Also forget any dates of how long they will be in Pre-BUDS or when they will go to Coronado, I have not heard of a date being correct yet. The Class waiting to go to Coronado has been out of Boot Camp since mid-Nov and they are still there in go old Great Lakes.
  • Tony, read your post.  Got a letter from my son saying they would be doing battle stations very soon.
  • carl my son is going into the seals program.  His pir date is feb. 11, and he starts pre-buds training the following monday I believe.  I was told they do pre-buds for two months before heading to calf.

    Carl W. Harris Jr. said:

    I don't but my daughter is spec ops diver.  Wondering what your son will be doing (since he's an 800 div I assume he is spec ops)?  I'm trying to contact those who may be in her diver prep class (Feb 14)


  • I don't but my daughter is spec ops diver.  Wondering what your son will be doing (since he's an 800 div I assume he is spec ops)?  I'm trying to contact those who may be in her diver prep class (Feb 14)


  • looks like Battle Stations will be on the fourth. We should get a call sometime that day.
  • Sr  my sons Pir date is the same.  He also talked about his ship being destroyed because some guys didn't have things in order.  He said that the past week was gooing good until then.  Also someone left thier id in thier pants that they were sending to laundry. They got in trouble for that too.

    Sr said:

    Jr called tonight it was so good to here from him , Jr still sounds a littel home sick but I think he's getting better. He said the only thing he does not like is that everybody still has a hard time listening. He said that today was the hardest because the RTC came and destroyer there ship the guys have a hard time putting thing away.

    Jr PIR date is 02/11/2011
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