Ship 11 Div 134 PIR 4/27/12

 Our daughter Kaylei shipped out on Mar 5. We got the  "I am here call" alittle after midnight. Since then we have recieved the form leter with a short note on the back, and the Sailor in a Box. So far, there has been 3 letters from her. She hads passed her swimming test, and has done very good on her 1st test, personnel and bunk inspections. Oh yeah, had her wisdom teeht pulled, with no problems. Kinda been hoping that we'd get a phone call sometime. Seems like she is or was eith SIQ, or making up some other qual. We are planning on leaving S. Maryland on the 24th, and driving our motorhome out for the PIR> We have reservatinos at he MWR campground there on base til Sunday morning. Hopingthat if things go well, she might get to spend at least abit of time with us after transfering to her A school on GL. I know tht no news is good news but I think that we'd feel better hearing her voice and answering some questions we have. Anyone else havr a son or daughter in this div? Look for a white and red striped motorhome in the parking lot on the 27th. Wouldn't recommend knocking on the door, our Shepard Stix might not like it too well......Curt (former PO2/AS2)


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  • She finally got the chance to call this past Saturday....The thing that I noticed the most was the change in her voice. She has passed PF2, and the Div got through "Hell Week". Still misses Mom's cooking. Her and her shipmates are looking forward to week 7, BS21. We told her of our travel plans, and where we'll be staying that weekend.  @ weekss til' we leave....Gonna be a fun week.

  • After GTS I went to Millington, then to AIMD Norfolk, where I reenlisted for 6 yrs. I then tranfered to the USS Esinehower and rode her throught the yards. I transfered to Nas Pax River where I separated. Never made it to the left coast.....

  • Curt....Were you ever stationed at Long Beach Naval Station?? I remember a Hildebrandt.....Just I was there from 1989 to 1991 at SIMA....I was an EM3....Have a great day....

    Also, if you need and FREE phone cards, go to

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