Ship 3 Division 353/354 - PIR 092013

This discussion group is for dads/family with a son or daughter in Divisions 353/354.  Our son is in Division 354 and if we understand correctly, Division 353 is an all female group.  We are looking forward to travelling from Arlington , TX to Chicago to attend PIR on September 20, 2013.  Please join in on this discussion if you have a son/daughter in either of these divisions.

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  • All SRs from Divisions 353 and 354 that participated in Battle Stations 21 made it through!  Congratulations to them - they are now Sailors!!!!!

  • Thank you Gary for posting this photo!  A big thanks and congrats goes out to Paul for winning the trivia contest on another website....the prize....getting this photo of Division 354 posted!!!

  • U.S. Navy Recruit Training Command via facevbook
    18 minutes ago

    Congratulations again Paul Spraklen. As you requested, I've posted a photo of Division 354.


  • We recieved a phone call from our son on Sunday afternoon.  He said that the run for their PFA was stopped.  A recruit from another division passed out during the run and they stopped all 4 divisions.  Their PFA will be listed as incomplete due to this.  He was disappointed because he had a good run going and had done 91 sit ups and 96 push ups in the allotted 2 minutes for each. He said things are going well and that the division will be doing weapons training this week.

    To correct my post from Saturday 8/24, the entire division did not receive a perfect score on the inspection, but many recruits mistake.  Those that scored well were given time to make a phone call last Friday.

  • I received a surprise call from my son late this afternoon.  He said his division (354) received a perfect score on their inspection today and they were given time to make phone calls as a reward.  He is now the Recruit Master at Arms and was very excited that the division is coming together and making a lot of progress.  He said that they have reached the half way point of Boot Camp and that they are getting excited about the next 4 weeks.

  • Thank you Troy....Midlothian is close to us.  Congrats to your son too!  Everything we have read about PIR ceremonies is that it is a very proud moment for the sailor and family. Our son is in AECF and will be either an FC (his preference) or an ET.  The choice will be made for/by him while in A school.

  • Welcome, we are from Texas also Just down the street in Midlothian.  Congrats to your son!  My son PIR'd last October.  It is a great experience but it goes quick.  What rating is your song (job)  Mine is a MM Nuke.

  • We have received 1 form letter, 1 brief letter and 3 phone calls (counting the 15 second "I am at boot camp") from our son since he left Dallas on July 22nd.  This is more contact than we expected.  He is in good spirints, says he is eating very well and commented on how well hydrated is is. 

    We are very proud of him and of the other recruits who have chosen to serve this great country of ours!

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