Navy Dads



Navy Boot Camp: Questions & Answers to what your Sailor will be doing at Recruit Training Command (RTC) Great Lakes, IL.

This Support Group is for Families & Friends with Recruits attending Navy Boot Camp.

Members: 1842
Latest Activity: Jan 23

Boot Camp Forum, Helpful Links and Videos

No More "Sailor in a Box" - From RTC- Posted 5 Sept 2019

Attention families and friends of RTC: Previously, upon arrival to boot camp, recruits would box up their civilian belongings and ship it to their choice of destination. Our new procedure now has those boxes being stored locally and will be returned to the recruits the day before graduation. The new procedure went into effect this week beginning with Div. 409 in Training Group 52.

U.S. Navy Acronyms

OK- When is PIR and What Is Their Mailing Address?

Something you should know about ADD and ADHD 

Moment of Truth - First week of Boot Camp

Complete List of Navy Boot Camp FAQ's - Need to Knows

A run down of how the divisions are formed

Pass in Review Dates - Dates for Upcoming Graduation Ceremonies

RTC Facebook Group Photos

Contact Your Sailor - RTC Division Addresses -RTC Ship/Div Addresses

Bootcamp Weekly Training Schedule - Follow Your Sailor's Training

Recruit Division Command Structure - Division Recruit Command Positions

Bootcamp Videos - Several Videos about Bootcamp

Return To Bootcamp Videos - Series of Videos from All Hands TV

Captain's Cup Competition - Final Competition between Divisions

BattleStations 21 - Videos and Infomation about BattleStations

Navy Lingo & Slang -Learn to speak their Language

Navy Enlisted Ratings- Navy Job Descriptions

Boot Camp Checklist - Items you can and cannot Bring to Boot Camp

Being Paid While in Boot Camp - Yes, you get paid in Boot Camp!

A MUST Read for All New Navy Parents - Bootcamp....and how it changes your recruits!

Small Arms Training and Qualification OPNAV Instruction 3591.1F

Current Weather Conditions at Recruit Training Command - Great Lakes, IL

Pass in Review Group- Tips, Hints, & Help for Navy Graduation



We talk about Holiday Routine at Boot Camp - here's the skinny

Sunday/Holiday Routine allows recruits to attend religious services and observe Federal holidays. From 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. recruits are able to: attend religious services, read and study, hygiene, perform uniform upkeep, write and read letters, or clean their rack and personal locker.

Important RTC/PIR Changes

RTC is making important changes to polices regarding PIR Guest Access as well as Bag Checks and Restriction Policies. Take the time to read thru these and be prepared when you head to Great Lakes for PIR.

Discussion Forum

DEERS question

Started by David M. Cleland. Last reply by David M. Cleland Jun 15, 2022. 4 Replies

Hype man?

Started by Skip. Last reply by Tracey McCoy Aug 9, 2021. 2 Replies

January 15th

Started by Mike Cunningham Jan 21, 2020. 0 Replies

804, 805, 806 Division address changes

Started by Lanny DeVaney Dec 18, 2019. 0 Replies


Started by Catherine Gleeson. Last reply by NavyDads Admin (Paul) Sep 10, 2019. 1 Reply

Comment Wall


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Comment by gary volpe on August 26, 2009 at 5:51pm
ship 09 div# 342- anybody out there with a family member in this ship,& division thx
Comment by Kirk Brooks on August 25, 2009 at 1:12pm
Hi Larry, thanks for commenting back. You're exactly right about the navy (and all other branches) having the luxury of picking and choosing right now due to the glut of recruits as well as more service people re-upping. It's just very frustrating for him when he does everything right and then gets categorized into a group he doesn't belong in. He worked hard, studied hard and did everything they asked. He was honest and forthright with them. We're both pretty PO'd that honesty, integrity, and hard work mean less than all of the people who lie to get in. Now I know why so many recruiters tell potential recruits to lie on their paperwork. I don't approve of that either but maybe they realize that the system will disqualify good recruits. Aaron is hoping to go into law enforcement and was wanting to go in for Master-at-Arms training. His backup plan is to attend the local police academy and then try to re-apply for military service after getting his Associates degree. It's always been common knowledge that the military changes their requirements for entry based on recruitment and retention stat's. It's just unfortunate that sometimes you throw out some of the wheat with the chaff in doing so.
Comment by Larry Huffman on August 25, 2009 at 10:08am

I have a friend who's son was denied Navy service because of adhd. Now...he had it pretty seriously for years, and there was a lot of questions about whether he had really been off of the medication for the stated period of time. I called my friend and spoke to him and here is what he had to say about it (I owed him a call your question gave me the excuse!):

The Navy wants the person to be off of their medication for a minimum of 5 years before they will seriously consider allowing them in. They required a doctor's letter. They were still inclined against allowing the person in. He helped his son meet all of the requirements and they still ended up declining his son.

Here are the reaons...and in a very impersonal way they are valid...though that does not help make it any less frustrating or disappointing for your son, and I am sorry for that. Right now the Navy is being flooded with recruits because of the economy. They have slowed their recruiting efforts even because of the glut of prospects. This allows them to be more selective. The first thing they will do is stop taking in many of the recruits who need special waivers or consideration? Why? Well, the really simple answer is, they can get enough able bodied (meaning no medical issues that require waivers) sailors without having to offer the waivers or grant the hearings, etc required. There is only a finite number of billets available at any given time, and their view is that the fewer special needs recruits the better. Why go out of their way to waiver someone with a medical history, when doing so would take a spot away from soemone with no issues to speak of. Again, I am just stating it from their perspective.

Safety is also a concern. The Navy is a dangerous place. Even peacetime in port or in our coastal waters can have danger. People get hurt doing line handling, running drills and doing dangerous operations such as unreps (underway replenishments). Again, it is easier for the navy to disregard the special waiver recruit...if they have plenty who want to join who do niot have the medical issues...all in the name of safety. Better to not bring people in who could possibly compromise the safety of others because of something already known. So, without ever looking at your son as an individual, there are reasons for them to lean towards denial already.

Here is what my friend advises. Your son needs to find an advocate. This can be any number of people, but where I would start is with my congressman, mayor, chief of police or sherrif, fire chief...current active duty officers (high ranking...flag if possible), could also help. Retired military people as well...again, their rank has weight. Have your son speak with some of these people...explain his desires and convince them that he would be an asset to the Navy. Have him then ask for a letter of recommendation from them, backed by their position. In other words, if the mayor, have his endorsement be from the mayor, not just him as a friend. This may take some time to earn their trust and willingness to write the letter...but perseverence should pay off.

This is actually a time honored and valuable method of aproaching the military for consideration. While I was in, I had a friend who had been busted out for drug use earlier in his life. He cleaned himself up and wanted back in. They would not even give him the time of day. He went to his local police chief and started earning their respect, enough to get a letter of recommendation. Once he had a couple of letters from respected indivuduals who staked their names for the guy, the Navy took him back. (and were not disappointed, I might add).

I am not suggesting this is a sure thing. It is not. Especially with how many people they are turning away these days for even lesser reasons. And your son will have to demonstrate true desire to join in order to accomplish this. Also, if I were him, I would take a complete understanding approach. Rather than take the attitude of "I cannot understand why they will not let me in"...he needs to genuinely devlope an "I understand the concern completely, I just want a chance to prove that I am not that risk".

On the flip side...if your son tries to get letters from these people and they are unwilling to back him...maybe that is your answer. The military is not for everyone...and that is in no way a judgement of their character or who they are. My youngest daughter has cerebral palsy and will never be allowed in (not even worth the trip to try)...though her desire and love of country and willingness to serve is just as strong as anyones. I hope this helps...your son has a long road ahead of him if he is going to make this happen...but I wish him luck and hope he can realize his desire to serve. I also want to commend him on telling the truth about this. many would be inclined to hide it...not disclose it...and that is just wrong.

Hope Holly is doing good! You know...with her on the could have her do some digging too. Have her speak to some of the people at her command about it...people in the know. They may be able to offer some suggestions...or at least let you know if you are fighting a losing battle.
Comment by John G. White on August 24, 2009 at 9:42pm
Congrats Thomas to 842, sounds like they are doing well. My son is in 04 - 846 and this is the 2nd week since he left for RTC. Only call was short 2 minute call to his mom. I will patiently wait for a cal and or a letter, but I have writen to him frequently.

Congrats Ken G...

Andrew 17 mintues would be "great"!!
Comment by Ken G Chartrey on August 24, 2009 at 8:51pm
Received the call, Brandon and my nephew and all of 941 passed Battle Station 21. Congradulations to the new Sailors in our fine Navy. Now all thats left is graduation Friday. From a very proud Dad. Thanks for your prayers.
Comment by Kirk Brooks on August 24, 2009 at 8:19pm
I just posted this on the "Ask a Recruiter Group" but I wonder if any other parents have encountered this.
I have a question for any recruiters out there. My son was just declined for navy service because of ADHD meds he took in high school. He scored well on his ASVAB's (83) and he got full clearances from our family doctors. He's 20 y.o. now and he's been off the meds since the end of his junior year. He's been working on this since last May and we've provided everything they asked for. The final request was for a hand written letter from him stating why he went off the meds and why he no longer needed them. Now they say that his grades weren't good enough. He passed all of his high school classes (He did have to take one summer school class for is english credit) and has his diploma. Does he have any options? Can he wait a while and reapply? My daughter scored in the 30's on her test and was accepted no problem. My son has a good work ethic and has even achieved his Black Belt yet the navy chooses to deny him entrance when he takes the high road chooses hard work over medications which were ineffective. Is he just out of luck or does he have any shot at service?
Comment by Andrew Ross on August 24, 2009 at 5:11pm
Just spoke to my son and he's doing fantastic! I got a full 17 minutes and his poor mom only got 3 (two separate calls) ... bad dad! :o)

PIR is on course for Sept. 25th. He's got his first academic test tomorrow (3-1), but says it's in the bag! He told me the majority of the content covered, so far, he learned during the DEP program ... fortunately! He really sounded good ... I am relieved! I've been waiting (impatiently) to hear from him, so now I can relax a bit.
Comment by Ken G Chartrey on August 24, 2009 at 8:22am
Now just sitting by waiting for the CALL! Boy sure can't spell this early in the morning. lol
Comment by Ken G Chartrey on August 24, 2009 at 8:19am
lol you're right, my bad, its 8/28..............Now just seating by waiting for the CALL! BS21 should just be getting over.
Comment by Andrew Ross on August 23, 2009 at 6:23pm
David, I believe Ken meant August 28th, not September ... LOL!


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Form letter

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Boot Camp

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Mail problems

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SHIP 06 DIV 100

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Ship 10 Div 114

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Posted by Mike Cunningham on January 15, 2020 at 1:23pm 2 Comments

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