Navy Dads



Navy Boot Camp: Questions & Answers to what your Sailor will be doing at Recruit Training Command (RTC) Great Lakes, IL.

This Support Group is for Families & Friends with Recruits attending Navy Boot Camp.

Members: 1842
Latest Activity: Jan 23

Boot Camp Forum, Helpful Links and Videos

No More "Sailor in a Box" - From RTC- Posted 5 Sept 2019

Attention families and friends of RTC: Previously, upon arrival to boot camp, recruits would box up their civilian belongings and ship it to their choice of destination. Our new procedure now has those boxes being stored locally and will be returned to the recruits the day before graduation. The new procedure went into effect this week beginning with Div. 409 in Training Group 52.

U.S. Navy Acronyms

OK- When is PIR and What Is Their Mailing Address?

Something you should know about ADD and ADHD 

Moment of Truth - First week of Boot Camp

Complete List of Navy Boot Camp FAQ's - Need to Knows

A run down of how the divisions are formed

Pass in Review Dates - Dates for Upcoming Graduation Ceremonies

RTC Facebook Group Photos

Contact Your Sailor - RTC Division Addresses -RTC Ship/Div Addresses

Bootcamp Weekly Training Schedule - Follow Your Sailor's Training

Recruit Division Command Structure - Division Recruit Command Positions

Bootcamp Videos - Several Videos about Bootcamp

Return To Bootcamp Videos - Series of Videos from All Hands TV

Captain's Cup Competition - Final Competition between Divisions

BattleStations 21 - Videos and Infomation about BattleStations

Navy Lingo & Slang -Learn to speak their Language

Navy Enlisted Ratings- Navy Job Descriptions

Boot Camp Checklist - Items you can and cannot Bring to Boot Camp

Being Paid While in Boot Camp - Yes, you get paid in Boot Camp!

A MUST Read for All New Navy Parents - Bootcamp....and how it changes your recruits!

Small Arms Training and Qualification OPNAV Instruction 3591.1F

Current Weather Conditions at Recruit Training Command - Great Lakes, IL

Pass in Review Group- Tips, Hints, & Help for Navy Graduation



We talk about Holiday Routine at Boot Camp - here's the skinny

Sunday/Holiday Routine allows recruits to attend religious services and observe Federal holidays. From 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. recruits are able to: attend religious services, read and study, hygiene, perform uniform upkeep, write and read letters, or clean their rack and personal locker.

Important RTC/PIR Changes

RTC is making important changes to polices regarding PIR Guest Access as well as Bag Checks and Restriction Policies. Take the time to read thru these and be prepared when you head to Great Lakes for PIR.

Discussion Forum

DEERS question

Started by David M. Cleland. Last reply by David M. Cleland Jun 15, 2022. 4 Replies

Hype man?

Started by Skip. Last reply by Tracey McCoy Aug 9, 2021. 2 Replies

January 15th

Started by Mike Cunningham Jan 21, 2020. 0 Replies

804, 805, 806 Division address changes

Started by Lanny DeVaney Dec 18, 2019. 0 Replies


Started by Catherine Gleeson. Last reply by NavyDads Admin (Paul) Sep 10, 2019. 1 Reply

Comment Wall


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Comment by Larry Huffman on August 21, 2009 at 3:57pm
Congrats E's Dad!! Most excellent. That Cigar will taste good! Well earned. And thank your son for making the choice to serve his country and persevering!
Comment by Larry Huffman on August 21, 2009 at 1:15pm
Greg, I asked a similar question of my daughter's recruiters. You see, her brother is active duty right now...and we already have 4 going (my wife and I and my parents). The recruiters told me that the only way they could see it happening is if the RTC would be willing to give her an additional ticket...which they state pretty emphatically they will not do.

Just getting on the base does not get you into the graduation. They make all attendees go through a line where they are checked against the guest list. They hold pretty fast to the list. I know when there was a Navy boot camp in San Diego, even while active duty stationed there, we were not really allowed to go and just enter the base. They wanted us to have a specific purpose...and I think attending a graduation would not get you in, it would put them right back into that line to chack if they are on the guest list.

Here is the reason for the limit of 4. The building only seats so many. When our son graduated last year, the building was packed...and I have heard that the classes this summer have been much larger. All recruits get 4 guests so it would be very unfair to give one recruit a 5th ticket thereby taking a seat that someone elses initial 4 guests could use.

One thing you may be able to do...and this is just me thinking out may be able to have your recruit identify a person in his company who does not have family coming in and have that person put your additional guests on their guest list. I have no idea if that is allowed...or if it would cause troubles. Just a thought.

The RTC website has contact information that you can use to reach them directly and ask them if you can get more guests in. They will be helpful, and I am sure they will do it if they can. In our case, we just decided not to have our son attend, as much as he wants to.
Comment by Larry Huffman on August 21, 2009 at 1:12pm
Lovingsweet, while I cannot say one way or the other for certain...It is unlikely that the picture situation can be used to deduce that your friend has been held back. There are so many reasons why he might not have been in the picture. Possibly he had a problem with his dress whites. Perhaps he had some form of medical or dental situation that made him unavailable. While they RDCs would try their best to ensure that all recruits make the picture...there are still things that can come up. could be right, he may have been held up or moved to a different division for some reason. The point is, I do not think I would make any assumptions simply because of the pictures.

On the other hand...him having a serious medical condition that he did not disclose could explain it. It is very unwise to not be up front when entering. It is technically criminal to join under false pretenses, which is what covering up something like that is. They ask very direct yes or no questions that in effect make something like this an actual case of perjury. I know when I was in, they hammered that pretty hard, especially at the moment of truth. I have no idea if they actually pursue it at all, or if it is just an idle threat. I know they are not happy when they discover the lie.

In your case, I would contact RTC and simply ask if you could get his mailing address. If he has been held back or even if his medical condition has been discovered, he will be in a different division. People being processed out are usually placed in a division to wait...and the processing out can usually take longer than boot camp. So they can provide you with an address...or not...which would also be pretty telling.

The undisclosed medical issue is a problem. I hate to sound callous, but as someone who loves and respects the service...and understands why such things need to be reported...I have to say I hope they discover it and put him out. You see...I know I would not want to be serving next to someone who was 'severly bi-polar' and the Navy did not know. Not at all...people's lives and safety are in the balance at times (in peacetime and wartime...the military is always a possibly dangerous setting) and you have to at least know that the person you are serving with is capable. Sorry, but I am afraid your friend was very irresponsible and very clearly in the wrong for not disclosing his condition. Again, I may sound harsh, but they go through the extensive medical screening and questioning for a very good reason...and his lie could result in problems for their shipmates. And since two of my kids are serving, I have to count their safety and the safety of others over one person who was willing to lie about something that important.

I am sorry...this is not directed at you...but at your friend. It is simply selfish dishonesty.
Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on August 21, 2009 at 9:36am
I wanted to remind everyone that there is a ton of info available at the RTC FAQs link we have on every NavyDads page in the About this Site area. There are also alot of links avaiable at the top of that page to other RTC webpages so you can learn alot about what goes on at Great Lakes and how it is organized.

Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on August 21, 2009 at 9:27am
I think I would contact the RTC PAO (click for e-mail link) and ask them directly. I've always heard that they will respond in a very quick manner.
Comment by Greg Yee on August 21, 2009 at 9:22am
I have a question I hope someone can answer, my son's PIR is 09 Oct 2009 and myself, wife, daughter and mother-in-law are on his guest list, I have a couple of friends who are retired Navy that want to go to his graduation, my question is since they are retired military and can get on the base with their ID will they need a guset pass or can they come into the ceremony using just their ID ?
Does anyone out there know or who I can contact to find out ?
Comment by lovingsweetgal98 on August 21, 2009 at 2:42am
Hello Everyone! I am new here, and have a question, please?? Do any of you know why a recruit would be in his Division's Barrack's group photo (when they are in their cammies and goofing off a bit), but not be in the Division's Formal Group Portrait (the formal one with all of them in their Dress Whites)?? I am extremely worried about my friend who was supposed to PIR 8/14, but I don't know if he has graduated or not now-because I was able to look at his Division photos-and he is in the Barracks Photo (looking dejected), but he is NOT in the Formal White Uniform Group Photo AND I also couldn't find him in photos standing with his Division at PIR 8/14.....................Is it possible he was held back at boot camp for some reason, is seriously ill, or even, 'kicked out' of the military/sent home?? I can't get ahold of him, and I'm sick with worry about him. Btw, he has severe Bipolar Disease (unmedicated), that I am not altogether sure if he disclosed at MEPS or "the moment of truth." I am afraid he just didn't mention it or his history with it.........:( Can anyone help me??? Thanks alot.....
Comment by NavyDCparent on August 21, 2009 at 1:15am

You must be so proud! So are we...proud of your son!

Tell him we say:
"Rock on young man! Thank you for your service!"
Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on August 20, 2009 at 9:42pm
HooYah1 Start planning for PIR!!!!
Comment by Mark on August 20, 2009 at 9:27pm
We got our 3 minute call tonight at about 10:00! It was nice, because we both got to talk to him.

Now I am so puffy chested my buttons are going to pop.
He made the third generation of Military men in our family.
My dad was in Burma during WWII
My brother gave all as a HC in Vietnam
My other brother was a RM
I was a MR, and now tonight Zach has taken the torch!


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Posted by John W Hensman on October 9, 2021 at 4:21pm 0 Comments

Form letter

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Boot Camp

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Posted by Thomas ODonnell on January 10, 2021 at 3:00pm 7 Comments

Bittersweet Happiness

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Introducing Myself

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Mail problems

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SHIP 06 DIV 100

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Ship 10 Div 114

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Posted by Mike Cunningham on January 15, 2020 at 1:23pm 2 Comments

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