Navy Boot Camp: Questions & Answers to what your Sailor will be doing at Recruit Training Command (RTC) Great Lakes, IL.

This Support Group is for Families & Friends with Recruits attending Navy Boot Camp.

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  • so much to look into too i'm lost with all of this.

  • Friends & family of RTC,
    Due to a recent reorganization, we are relocating divisions into new ships (barracks). Although recruits will be afforded opportunities to call and provide their new addresses, below is a list of where the divisions are being moved to and where you can reach your recruit moving forward.
    No photo description available.
  • Yep, looked on here first but wanted a little more details. It is funny how different the Navy boot camp is from my Army experience almost 30 years ago!

  • and realize that schedule is NOT cast in stone and is flexible according to various needs......

  • I found this site that goes into the daily routine of the RTC recruits. I like to follow along each day to get a glimpse into what our son is likely doing.

  • RE Covid - On Jan 9 our son called us from RTC saying that him and other 7 recruits were being placed in a 14-day isolation because they were in contact (next bunker) with a recruit, who was tested positive when he went to see a doctor for a sore throat. He then called us again on 22nd advising that he is being released from isolation the next day and provided new ship/division info. So, now instead of mid-Feb, his PIR will be in early March.

  • Makes for some interesting reading.....Fort McCoy :

  • Marc I feel your pain. I get that it is your daughter.  I understand that you want to protect her and that, at least in your eyes, answers should be easy to come by. I get that.

    My son had PIR three years ago. I went through my first Christmas with him in boot camp and no communication.  All we could do was pray, trust and wait. And that was long before COVID reared it's ugly head.

    Learn the saying "no news is good news" because you are going to live it. My Sailor is a nuke on a submarine.  EVERY in his life is classified.  The lack of information is commonplace. 

    You have to learn not to focus on the unknown Marc or it will drive you insane.  Celebrate those few phone calls and continue writing letters with positive support.  It doesn't necessarily get any easier it just becomes a little more normal. 

    That's what your Navy Dads are here for. Reach out to us. We have been there and are here to support  YOU  while our Sailors and ones like them support and mentor your daughter. 

    God Bless your family! 


  • good luck- things are in a constant state of flux with Covid - don't think anyone knows exactly what is going on on any specific day......

    you can read about what happened but as far as what they are doing today please remember it is the US Military and there are security concerns communicating between the Navy and civilian word

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DEERS question

My son just let me know he was at boot camp.  He said he had an issue that he could not be entered into DEERS on his own.  I reached out to DEERS to have him removed so that he could have his own profile built.  I was told that they could not remove him without his verbal consent.  Considering that he is in boot camp, this is particularly difficult.  Has anyone run into such an issue?  If so, what was your fix? 

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Hype man?

My son just got his first call to his mother.  Says there are 80 in his class, and that he's the "hype man" for his division. In this context, what does "hype man" mean?

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804, 805, 806 Division address changes

Note this apparently only applies to Divisions 804, 805 and 806 (PIR date Feb 7).  From RTC Facebook page: Attention families of recruits in Divisions 804, 805 and 806: It has come to our attention that the address information the recruits mailed home may have been inadvertently incorrect. Regardless of the address for either of these divisions that your recruits may have written on the form, the correct address information is as follows: Division 804Ship 14, USS ArizonaRecruit Training…

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