Anyone else out there that has more than one son or daughter in any of the Services.

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  • Both my Son and Daughter joined the Navy last year (2023) 5 days after graduating High School, Shes a CSSN and He's a MMFR. Both are on the 73 preparing to sail to Japan end of next month. 

  • My son is an airman. My daughter is a sailor. Very proud of both of them!

  • I have one son who is a Sgt. in the Marine Corps and another who is starting Navy OCS end of the month!

  • My second son just left for boot camp today!
  • Good evening everyone! I have one son in the Air Force and a second just started his OCS training with the Navy this week.
  • Chris Three boys in the navy!  My best to all three of those young men.

  • Chris...Wow what a problem to have! Congratulations!  My best to your three great kids!

  • Two of my sons are ET's, one conventional and one nuke. My oldest son went the college route and just recently decide to pursue a commission. He's waiting for the clearance process to finish now. It's conceivable I will have three boys in the Navy before the end of the year.

  • Thanks for your family and especially those two young ladies of yours. Both of my sailors are currently due to transfer. My daughter should have orders but with her leaving a couple of weeks ago, we have not heard about her orders. My son has not yet had his first look. I am thinking this coming week. We hope that they both get some good duty stations!
  • Hi Chuck,
    That is awesome! I sure didnt think both of my girls would go into the Navy. Couldn't be prouder of them and I know you are proud of yours as well. My oldest is an LS1 and is shipping to Japan to the USS Mustin. My youngest is in A school here in Texas so that is good for us! Thank you sir for raising kids willing to serve our country!
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