Navy Dads

Class 08-17 A/B Newport Rhode Island started Jan 8, 2017

These are threads from this website that I found extremely helpful in providing me with a window into our kids' lives for the next three months:

First Week of OCS,

Day One,

Day Twp,

Day Three,

Day Four,

Day Five,

Day Six,

Day Seven,

Week Two,

Week Three, Could not find an article on week three

Week Four,


Week Five,

Week Six,

Week Seven,

Week Eight,

Week Nine,

Weeks Ten-Twelve,


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Just found out after comparing notes with my husband (we both can't talk to our son at the same time) that our son didn't pass the RLP on Thursday due to loose threads. He said about 10% of his classmates did not pass on Thursday for a multitude of reasons. He said his classmates swooped in and helped him re-thread something properly and that he passed Friday morning thanks to the help he received!!! He said his classmates swooped in and helped the others who didn't pass on Thursday too. We believe that all those who did not pass on Thursday passed on Friday because of others in the class who came forward to do what they could do for fellow classmates which is why the class was granted Sunday phone privileges for 15 minutes each. That means they've only lost 30% of their class so far!!! 

According to my husband, our son left an encouraging note on his bed for the next person who would be using it after he vacated the room. Apparently that cost him... probably a nice long stint in that sand pit that's been mentioned. Our son said one thing that's consistent is that they can't do anything right and laughed it off. It's behind him now and fortunately his entire class didn't suffer for his indiscretion. 

Our son said his class would be fire training this week. Have no more details other than that's what's up for this week. 

I too read about the CANDIO box and have plans to do two as well.  

LTB said:

Nell> that actually took me a while. I pulled from all over the internet and shared what I found is all. 

Yes, we were called also. Couldn't have been happier. 08-17A class passed that RLP and were afforded phone privileges. Don't know if your daughter mentioned it or not however, apparently our kids are going for honors. Don't understand what that means and did not have time to ask for details. Perhaps you know? 

Our son was in exceptionally good spirits and was cracking jokes about his trials and tribulations. He was commenting on how many of his classmates reminded him of friends back home.

We'll continue to send letters to him. We've been sending photos of him, family, friends, and even pets from home and I know some of his friends have been sending funny photos of him and them together which I'm sure he appreciates. Most of what we've been sending him is what we would have talked or joked about if he was here in person. We received two letters in response to the initial letters we sent and both appear to have been from the end of his first week... possibly the beginning of his second week. Nothing since then however he did send a few letters to his "brothers" last week. 

You know to start working on a CANDIO box to send to your daughter, right? There's a really fantastic thread on CANDIO boxes here at Navy Dads. I just began gathering materials to send two boxes.... one for our kid and one for someone else's kid. Reality is there may be parents out there who do not know that these boxes from home are a tradition and that our kids look forward to receiving them. Went to Hobby Lobby and picked up several nice sheets of themed paper and packs of Navy decals. Also special ordered US Navy shot glasses to add to the boxes. Am trying my darndest to find small toy ships and submarines because the silly bug in me said to include them but so far.... no go. Other than that, I think I'll add some Red Bull or Gatorade, home made cookies, chapstick, some candy, home made turkey jerky and what ever else I stumble across that is either simple and fun or edible. 

When are you planning on sending your CANDIO box?

Apparently I can't link direct to the CANDIO page at Navy Dads. One has to type candio box in the search engine then click on the posting titled, 'The Candio Box'. 

Here is a cut and paste of the article for others. There are some nice supporting photos of decorated CANDIO boxes at the page that will not appear below:

The Candio Box

A "candio box" is a care package that friends and family send to their loved ones in OCS to celebrate them becoming an officer candidate, the last phase of their 12 weeks in Officer Candidate School. Traditionally candio boxes are opened on the Wednesday of Week 9 and are highly anticipated by the candidates.

These boxes are decorated on the inside, typically in a U.S. Navy theme, and contain the candidate's favorite treats and anything they have wanted throughout their time there, but have not been able to have until this phase. Keep in mind that candios do not have access to microwaves, refrigerators, or coffeemakers in the new Nimitz building. *Alcohol, tobacco, pornography, gambling paraphernalia, medication, weapons, and live animals are CONTRABAND and having them can get your candidate seawalled.*


It is recommend that you mail your boxes at the middle of Week 8, or a little later depending on where you are geographically. You want your box to arrive on Tuesday of that week, or the day before. If they arrive Wednesday, they will probably not be opened on “candio box day.”

Address boxes with the normal mailing address and largely - and very clearly - write "CANDIO BOX" on all sides of the box. This will help prevent your package being delivered too early, or too late, to your candidate. Some classes will not receive boxes until Thursday or Friday, depending on their class team.


Any size box is acceptable, but typically Large Flat Rate boxes from USPS are used because it is often the least expensive option given how heavy these packages can get. Large Flat Rate boxes are free to pick up from any local USPS branch and are about $16 to send. If you purchase and print the postage at home USPS gives a small discount. Do not require a signature on delivery on your box.

There is typically no limit on the number of boxes a candidate can receive, but keep in mind that they have very limited space to store things, and there is really only so much that they can eat! There are always candidates who will not receive a box because their family and friends did not know about this tradition. Do not send extra boxes addressed to “a Candidate In Need” - they will not be delivered. Any extra boxes should be sent directly to your candidate with instructions to share.

Most of the Candio Boxes contain perishable food items, or items that are disposable. The less they have to pack in their sea bag, the better.


You can pick up supplies at any arts and crafts store: Michael’s, AC Moore, Hobby Lobby, etc. Happy Decorating!

The above information, without the accompanying photos can be found here in a pdf if anyone would like to share a direct link with friends or family,


Here is another webpage on candio boxes which includes photos,


Here’s a helpful link to papering the inside of the box,


The woman uses Elmer’s Glue. Rubber Cement might be a better choice. It won’t bleed through or discolor the paper.


Nell> I would think we should probably shoot for mailing our boxes out on March 1st or 2nd to better ensure they arrive by Monday the 6th. 

Would love to know what you will be plan to put in your boxes. 

We have been discussing what should go in.  Here is what I am thinking:  A deck of cards, stamps, local beef Jerky, homemade trail mix or dried fruit, bandana's, Dunkin Donut card (not sure if it is a good idea), local chocolate, local tea (her favorite), pictures and some inspirational short quotes.

I will keep brain storming.

Sounds great to me, especially the trail mix and dried fruit.

I wanted to include a deck of cards in each box. Had second thoughts after realizing a deck of standard playing cards might be classified as gambling paraphernalia. If we included a standard deck (not a deck of poker cards), what's the worst that could happen... our kids would be asked to turn in their cards to the Gunnery Sgt? I just may include a standard deck in each box. 

Am including US Navy shot glasses in each box. No liquor to go with them because that's prohibited but... it's the thought that counts and I really liked the shot glasses. 

We just got a couple of letters, one in which our daughter said CANDIO boxes may be discouraged.  She said she would get back to me on that one.  She mentioned that when she goes to religious services on Sunday they serve doughnuts and that is her happiest indulgence.  She made me laugh because she said there is no stealing a base and that it is simply not worth trying to do so.  At least they have Sunday phone privileges and I am not sure if they can email.

We received two more letters and his brothers received letters also. On fancy paper which he claimed they had earned the privilege of using. He did mention they had Sunday phone privileges for 15 minutes. We were told that about 30% of his class to date has rolled. No mention of CANDIO boxes but did comment that he is liking his classmates very much. It will be interesting to learn why CANDIO boxes may be discouraged. Please do share what you learn from your daughter about them. 

Doubtful any of them have e-mail privileges or both of our families would have received an e-mail. Considerably faster typing than writing and e-mails are much easier on the eyes. 

A friend of our family is a retired Navy chaplain. He giggled and told us lots of our young men and women (to include atheists and agnostics) attend religious services... multiple services...of multiple denominations... for peace and quiet, An opportunity to get away from it all and apparently for donuts too. ;) Lends new meaning to the old saying,  'Any port in a storm' if atheist indocs are attending services with theist indocs. 

"there is no stealing a base and that it is simply not worth trying to do so" I'm lost. I can't imagine they were playing baseball. Help me understand what your daughter was actually saying so I can laugh too. 

In just a few days, they will have completed 1/3 of their training and will be in their 5th week. 

When I refer to the saying above "stealing a base"  my daughter was a softball pitcher from grammar school to college.  In our house that term was used for a moment of weakness when some one needed to play hooky or  have dessert before diner, if you will.  My daughter in a moment of weakness was desperate for chocolate and asked if I could sneak a chocolate bar into a "supply package" from home.  She wrote back in her second letter, "please don't take a chance, it is not worth it".  The doughnuts will remain her only source of indulgence.  

LTB said:

We received two more letters and his brothers received letters also. On fancy paper which he claimed they had earned the privilege of using. He did mention they had Sunday phone privileges for 15 minutes. We were told that about 30% of his class to date has rolled. No mention of CANDIO boxes but did comment that he is liking his classmates very much. It will be interesting to learn why CANDIO boxes may be discouraged. Please do share what you learn from your daughter about them. 

Doubtful any of them have e-mail privileges or both of our families would have received an e-mail. Considerably faster typing than writing and e-mails are much easier on the eyes. 

A friend of our family is a retired Navy chaplain. He giggled and told us lots of our young men and women (to include atheists and agnostics) attend religious services... multiple services...of multiple denominations... for peace and quiet, An opportunity to get away from it all and apparently for donuts too. ;) Lends new meaning to the old saying,  'Any port in a storm' if atheist indocs are attending services with theist indocs. 

"there is no stealing a base and that it is simply not worth trying to do so" I'm lost. I can't imagine they were playing baseball. Help me understand what your daughter was actually saying so I can laugh too. 

In just a few days, they will have completed 1/3 of their training and will be in their 5th week. 

Ah, now I understand and that is funny. Our son was a wrestler and soccer player throughout grade school and into college. They never "risked" eating or drinking anything before weigh ins at wrestling meets. So much for sending a deck of cards in each box based on your daughter's comments that, "there is no stealing a base and that it is simply not worth trying to do so". I suspect the shot glasses will be okay. Will include those in the CANDIO box. 

Was reading the pop up main room chat where you asked whether it was a two day event or not. I believe it actually is a two-day event. To the best of my knowledge there is a meet and greet as well as a Mom's luncheon something or other Thursday afternoon or maybe it was a Thursday evening sit down dinner. We are flying in the Thursday morning before graduation to attend what ever is planned. Friday is the actual graduation after which we plan to go out to dinner with relatives who will also be flying in. We will spend Saturday together taking in the area (I want to visit the sand pit and get a look at the ropes course) and will all fly out together on Sunday. I don't think they leave immediately for a ship or base. It's my understanding they are given time to return home to gather their belongings and to make arrangements to ship them to their next school which is in Charleston, SC and will last 6 months after which they will get a week to gather their things before being sent to the next school in Groton CT which is also 6 months and then another school after that which I believe was somewhere in upstate NY. They won't go directly to a naval base or to a ship or sub. This may differ based on the program these young people were accepted into. Might be time to call the recruiter. Ours was extremely responsive the two times we contacted him over the past three years. He is also the individual who informed us bachelor officer quarters were virtually non-existent regardless of where our young people would be sent and suggested our son immediately seek out someone with whom to share an apartment upon arrival to defray costs. Apparently the government sold off at least some if not most of the BOQ property or changed the land usage. Housing is still available for junior officers who have families. 



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