"A" School Graduation Info

We just were blessed to enjoy watching our new Sailor graduate from boot camp at Great Lakes. Of course, most of the family was not able to attend. I'm seeking information and/or a description of the graduation ceremony for "A" School. Our extended family lives much closer to Charleston than to Chicago and I'd love to allow other family members the opportunity to attend a graduation.

Does the school PAO put out guidance as Recruit Training did on their Facebook page? Also, are "A" School graduates promoted during the graduation ceremony?

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  • Thank you. Great information.

  • My apologies I was referring to power school regarding the graduation and prototype re. The reactors.
  • "A" school grad is nothing like the PIR at Great Lakes, it's pretty low key. They have them every Friday in the auditorium inside the Rickover Bldg. It's pretty intimate since there's usually only about 80 - 90 graduates. There are some speeches, they are given their certificates, walk across the stage and shake hands. Lots of photo ops. Family members are welcome. I don't think you will get much info, other than date & time, your sailor will get that info. They will already have been promoted before the ceremony (happens automatically upon completion of "A" school, so they will be graduating with their new rank insignia.

    Power School grad is larger affair, usually held outdoors every other month with about 400 graduates, both enlisted and officer students. Same deal - speeches, walk across the stage, handshake, etc. photo ops. family welcome. They will hold this indoors if weather is bad.

    Prototype grad is again small and low-key. In Charleston they've been having it onboard the USS Yorktown (pretty cool in my opinion), in New York it's usually held in a small community hall. My son graduated in NY. Graduation dates can change as Dennis noted, and may not be firm until a few weeks prior. They may not graduate with the same class they started with. I've also heard of sailors finishing their quals late and missing the graduation ceremony.

    If you are on Facebook, there are two groups you can join that have lots of information/discussions, etc. they are 'Navy Nukes - A School and Beyond', and 'Navy Nuke School NNPTU & NPTU Goose Creek SC & Ballston Spa NY'

  • graduation is an impressive ceremony I also had family members from the area attend, it was outdoors. I don't remember if there was much info prior to the day.  dates change due to the reactor being down at times and which reactor they are training on, my Sailor 

    graduated before his roommate because of that. 

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