Arriving in Goose Creek mid March

How soon am I allowed to bring his personal items from home? We are lucky enough to be about 5 hours from him. I am sure he would like his "stuff" asap. Has anyone else brought their sailors home items to them?


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  • Suggestion - visit Charleston if you make the "stuff run" over the weekend. I'm sure he'll enjoy getting off base and visiting. Hyman's Seafood is MUST for lunch. Even if you don't like seafood, you won't be disappointed by the food and the great staff.

  • Wallace:


    We sent our son down some items via UPS about 3 days after he arrived.  Cell phone, laptop, etc. 

    Also, please remove your last name from your ID for the safety and security of our fine sailors.

  • I live in CT so mail was are only option. My son got to come home for Christmas just after boot. We didn't know what to take so he just packed an extra backpack.

    The one thing I would add to the other comments is and I discussed this with my son. The more "stuff" he has the more he has to keep organized for inspections. I did though, recently sent his comforter from his room; so some personal items are nice.

  • hi Wallace,

    My suggestion is to mail it or ups. Just find out if he has room for whatever you are sending. Easier than driving 5 there and 5 back. Especially if you are unsure if you can see him

  • I did not bring anything, but I sent my son 3 packages while he was still in boot camp and they all arrived at Goose Creek a day or two he did, which was this Tuesday. He did not get chewed out for it, they were not mad but a bit curious how I got the address in advance. But I was probably jumping the gun a bit and would not suggest sending anything before they arrive. I sent one package from home by mail, one was a food order from Hickory Farms, and the third was a free military care package from Scion car company.

    As soon as they arrive the mail room is open and they can get stuff. At the NEX they can also rent a private mailbox.
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