Going to RTC before your scheduled Shipping Date...

My son's ship out date is in July 2012.  He is trying to get into RTC ASAP and his recruiter says that he is going to try to get him out by the end of December.  I was wondering what the yearly schedule for A school for NF's are and do they start at a certain time of the year and then rotate through a fixed schedule. 

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  • Thanks for everyones feedback on this. Keeping our fingers crossed for an earlier ship out date.

  • Talk with the recruiter -- you can get earlier ship date -- do it.

    Sooner is better. 

    Down the line -- after RTC -- needs of the Navy -- see previous posts.

    The big delay after Power School was waiting for slots in prototype.

    Best wishes




  • My daughter was originally going to ship 06 Dec. ,then it was going to be sometime in May, she went 25 Oct. As far as A School start dates, they run several classes a year.
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