Shipping Personal Items

My son arrived at Goose Creek this past Saturday. He is "chomping at the bit" for me to send him some of his "stuff", mainly his PC and PS3.

Anyone know if there are any special instructions or regulations with regard to shipping items to him?

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  • It will depend on were he is in his training, My son was put on hold waiting for the class to start. He had lots of time for a while. Once the classes started he was pretty busy. They can not take anything in or out of the nimitz hall no reording devices of any kind. My son is out in the fleet. Also it took a good while for my son to recive things and there were times that he didnt have time to pick them up for several days that is how busy they get.
  • Carol that's good to know :) My son is on a different command and is cheap like his old man hehe but may have to convince him regarding renting a mailbox. When he was in Pensacola, FL for A-School I paid for an arm and a leg via UPS Store for mail and packaging to get his PS3, LCD Monitor, etc... hehe...

    carols_kitchen said:

    They can also pay for a mail box on base that won't limit them to the hours that the regular mail room is open.  It's been 4 years--thinking it was over by the library where they could rent a mail box?

  • They can also pay for a mail box on base that won't limit them to the hours that the regular mail room is open.  It's been 4 years--thinking it was over by the library where they could rent a mail box?

  • when my son did goose creek (about 2 years now) they are very busy. they were allowed personal items but, dont get much free time. I brought his car down and other stuff and then flew home. the recption there is very poor! he had to go to the main hall to get a signal.( a lot of concrete buildings.) also we don't want to distract these boys to much - alot of boys dont make it(so i was told) and we want them to be successful. 

  • Thanks Jonathan, et al. This all definitely helps. I know about the address change that comes after the initial indoctrination but I am hoping to take care of this all before that happens.

    Thanks again Guys.


    Jonathan Cooper said:

    My son arrived 3 weeks ago and we sent a package of CD,DVD's etc.  Just send to the address your son gives you the format is basically the same as when you sent letters to Boot camp.  It has to be exact.  As far as I know ordinary mailing restrictions apply.  So the things you list are fine.  I took the box to a UPS store and had them pack it.  Hope this helps.

  • My son arrived 3 weeks ago and we sent a package of CD,DVD's etc.  Just send to the address your son gives you the format is basically the same as when you sent letters to Boot camp.  It has to be exact.  As far as I know ordinary mailing restrictions apply.  So the things you list are fine.  I took the box to a UPS store and had them pack it.  Hope this helps.  They are indeed very busy but they also need the down time on weekends. They are allowed whatever they can lock away so size does matter.

  • Jeff, my son has been there about a month or so now and I have already shipped him many things. I have even ordered items online and had them shipped directly to him with no problems. The main thing I would suggest is to make sure that you get the right address from your Son. My Son's address has already changed once. Also, track the shipment if you can so you can let them know it has arrived. I was told that they don't get least not right away and so "rush" shipping is a waste if you don't. Finally, there is no Saturday post so if your sailor doesn't get the package before 3 or 4 on Friday, they will wait until Monday. I have saved a little bit more money now knowing that last tidbit. I hope it helps you.
  • He will be pretty busy and wont have much time for his PC or other diversions.  I am not sure what he is allowed to have, but whatever personal devices he can have I can assure you he wont have much time for them!  Best of luck to your son.  

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