My son is in Ballston Spa and is having a hard time getting all his checkouts done on time. Shift changes seem to be an issue and the daily pace is a little tough. Are there any avenues to get some help or someone to talk to? Study techniques? ??
Navy Prototype Rundown (Ballston Spa version)
I figured I'd give a quick rundown of what to expect. The site up here in NY has gone through a couple shutdowns and as a result there has been a major training holdup. But I've been here long enough to easily lend insight. This is going to be focused on the MARF plant (vice S8G, the other plant on site) but will be similar to your experience in NY.
Hi Charles, my boy was having the same issues. Fell behind getting his checkouts, had a hard time getting in to see anyone. He had to really scramble the last couple weeks, he passed his final and and the oral exam, it was just really hard for him to get his checkouts. He did finally get everything in. Just make sure he's persistant and forceful, probably going to have to be pain in the neck to someone, and obnoxious, but, he's gotta do it.
He has an instructor that is "in charge" of him. If he hasn't already he needs to talk to them and let them know before it comes to be too much of an issue. They will help him along the path to succeed, especially since if the student is having troubles and has to stay at work longer to get ahead then so does the instructor.
Thanks, We live about 2 1/2 hours away so he might be home tomorrow night. I'll talk to him about that.
Michael E. said:
My Son was also having these issues, after many discussions I convinced him to start asking for some help from the instructors. It is not a bad thing for him to ask. They really want your son to succeed.
My son is now deployed on the Alberquerque.