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Navy Nukes

Navy Nuke: Questions and Answers to what your Sailor will be doing as a "Nuke" in the United States Navy. This support group is for the families and friends with Sailors serving in the U.S. Navy Nuclear Program / Power Nuke School.

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Latest Activity: May 25, 2023

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Nukes: How They Got There

Started by Jerome May. Last reply by Rocco A Cavallo Mar 29, 2018. 1 Reply

Cliff's Notes on Prototype Training

Started by Scott Henry Nov 21, 2017. 0 Replies

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Comment by KenH on April 24, 2012 at 8:01pm
Congrats, mlongst!
I suppose our boys will be headed out together, though they'll be at different A-schools (mine's an ET).

I worry about whether he can get through, after all I've heard.

But right now is a time for celebration.
Comment by mlongst on April 24, 2012 at 7:52pm

Got the sailor call  today.  My son will be headed for GC.

Comment by Ric Pallson on April 24, 2012 at 12:00am

@Zazzws the subforum about "staying in" is most specifically helpful to my kids nuke aspirations.

Their whole site is real valuable.

Thanks. Ric

Comment by Ric Pallson on April 23, 2012 at 10:59pm

Oh, and one more thing -- both me and my daughter and a few others got totally confused about the streets in the old downtown peninsula part of Charleston. It's clear enough on the map -- but -- on the ground -- maybe we not so good navigators after all .

Comment by Ric Pallson on April 23, 2012 at 9:51pm

It's a typical graduation ceremony.  You show up a little early at the gate with your pass, you park, go sit down (if it's not raining).

Some Admiral shows up, gives a blessedly short speech, the graduates pass in review and get a handshake and a piece of paper.

Then the good part begins -- you get to mill around and meet classmates and Division Chiefs and instructors and  family of classmates and just talk about what they've been through and done. Or whatever you want to talk about. Chiefs will actually talk to socially if you want.

It's a big deal as far as their career. But they've made it this far. So they're all like -- let's just relax and blow off some steam and take it easy.

I remember we just wandered about up and down Folly Beach for a few hours on the Saturday - just walking and talking about anything from Chiefs in general to the pattern of raindrops on the sand.

My daughter later introduced me to a couple of her favorite classmates that didn't pass -- seemed like good people - who had good options left in the NAVY.

Then -- a whole weekend of liberty with few restrictions -- maybe ?400 miles? Don't get drunk? Report for your next posting at 'place' at 'time'.  They've earned more than their crow -- they have earned some trust from the navy. On to proto and the fleet!

We spent the weekend dining with classmates and their families, visiting Patriot's Point and eating pizza and clams or whatever with classmates, just laying back and taking it easy -- it will have been a tough half-year for your graduate. 

It doesn't get easier after this but it will be easier to deal with the stress after getting through Power School.

Hope this helps


Comment by Anthony R. on April 23, 2012 at 8:34pm

I was looking for some information on how things go for the Nuclear Power School graduation from anyone who has been to it.  I will be attending the ceremony on May 25th for my son along with several family members.  Please let me know.

Comment by Zazzws on April 22, 2012 at 10:56am

I find that the nukeworkers forum can be a great source of information.

Sometimes the posters can be a bit "crusty" but they have a good grasp of life in the real world.,44.0.html

Comment by jeremy mcelroy on April 22, 2012 at 9:09am

Thomas-- I will answer this question since I am currently a nuke.

1) OCS (Officer Candidate Scool)- This is always an option for someone in the Navy be it they meet the age and other requirements. Does not have to be after their 6 years are up, however obviously they will need a bachelors degree in order to be able to do it.

2) Are there good job opportunities out there for ex navy nukes? Sure there are, however don't be under the impression that just because you were a navy nuke you are going to walk into any ol' company you want and expect them to want you and throw you big bucks. Obviously the sector in which they have the greatest chance of landing a job is in the power generation business. There is definitely great chances of them getting a job either at a nuclear power plant or a conventional power plant. i have heard of many people getting jobs elsewhere (sometimes far from power generation and even a lot in other large warehouse/factory jobs as either some sort of QA inspector or as a maintenance supervisor on the gear.)

I have known good handful of people who didn't find it that hard to get a job at a nuclear plant. Some people with 20+ years of experience who walked into a higher level position starting out with 6 figure salaries to people who did 6-8 years and got entry level positions (non-licensed operators) who with the abundance of overtime available can still pull in around 100k a year and continue to work their way up and become licensed one day which is where the big bucks are.

Hell, I have even know people kicked out of the nuke program and the navy, one for duis, that have even been hired into nuke plants. So yeah the chance for your child to get a job after they are out is there, do they want the higher chance by staying in the power generation business? if not then tell them they need to establish themselves financially before they get out and start working on a degree that will help them elsewhere. Especially if they are single when they get out they can go back to living with you parents =D, and use the GI bill to go to college for free and get paid BAH while doing it.

Comment by proud dad Nuke sailor on April 21, 2012 at 2:19pm

I have also talked with frends that went threu the nuke program, I have a frend that is a plant manager for one of the power companys in this state. The nukes do have opertunity after the navy, this manager got out after his enlistment and within one year was makeing over 100k per year was able to put two sons thru college and has retired before the age of 60. He did this with nothing but the education from the navy. It all depends on how your critical thinking works and how badly you want it

Comment by Thomas Mazzaccaro on April 21, 2012 at 1:05pm
Ric - the nuke recruiter told us that other than increased pay and bonuses for re-enlisting there would be an opportunity for OCS if they decide to stay in the Navy after their first 6 years are up. We have also been led to believe that there are many good job opportunities after the Navy if they don't re-enlist. My wife ran into a co-worker this week who was trained and worked as a Navy nuke. He said when he got out he was really upset to find that it was all BS. there were no big jobs waiting for someone with his training and he didn't think that all the training and stress was worth it.

We have been trying to be very positive during all of this so it is hard to hear things like this. What is the truth? Does anyone have any good experiences to share? Is this guy typical or not? We certainly hope that all this is worth it.

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