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Navy Nukes

Navy Nuke: Questions and Answers to what your Sailor will be doing as a "Nuke" in the United States Navy. This support group is for the families and friends with Sailors serving in the U.S. Navy Nuclear Program / Power Nuke School.

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Nukes: How They Got There

Started by Jerome May. Last reply by Rocco A Cavallo Mar 29, 2018. 1 Reply

Cliff's Notes on Prototype Training

Started by Scott Henry Nov 21, 2017. 0 Replies

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Comment by htsanjose on March 11, 2011 at 1:41pm

Hi all,

Does anyone have any update on our ships at sea, especially the Ronald Reagan, from the recent quake and tsunami in Japan?


Comment by proud dad Nuke sailor on March 11, 2011 at 7:43am
Craig you take care of yourself, Im sure most of the people here are wanting a speedy recovery for you. You will be in all of our prayers.
Comment by Craig on March 11, 2011 at 4:27am
Everything was going good with me after my surgery.  However, I had to go back to the emergency room last week do to severe pain in my stomach and lower back.  They found I had a blood clot that was blocking most of my liver and ended up putting me back in the hospital for 5 days, while also putting on blood thinners. 
I was released from the hospital on Tuesday (March 8th), but I am still in alot of pain (thus why your seeing this at 3am).  I am still transitioning from the injectable blood thinners to the pill form, and have countless doctors pulling my blood every couple days to figure out why/how this happened.  From what is being said, this is a pretty serious deal not normally seen. 

I'm still in alot of pain, but it is slowly going away depending how many Vicodin pills I take.  Anyways, I'm still not my old rotten self yet.  I'm basically just looking at the forums, but really don't want to answer many unless I know they are really hard questions that most people don't know.  Again, not my normal self, usually these threads are my outlet where I can joke around and pass on Navy info at the same time. 

Anyways, I hope I build up to my normal self soon.  This pain stuff is not what I need.  Heck I haven't had the opportunity to have my "Mid-life crisis" yet. 


Michael - you keep on that son.  What has happened is all "Water-under-the-bridge" now.  Remember, you are the parent, and the rules of your house must be followed.  Everywhere in life we have rules, and we either follow them, or we get hammered.  Again, if you need any help figuring out the Navy part, I will be your lifeline (from who wants to be a millionaire).  

Comment by Kevin's Dad on March 10, 2011 at 12:06pm
Here is an update on my son. He will be home soon and we are all so proud that he has completed his nuke training. We were hoping he would get west coast as we live in southern California but he did not get any of his choices and will be moving to Virgina and has been assigned to the Theodore Roosevelt which is in dry dock until 2013. We are not sure what this all means yet but are very thankful he will not be in harms way for now. If any of you have experience with this type of assignment please comment about it. Thanks
Comment by Jmespo on March 10, 2011 at 5:53am

Hi All.  Been reading the notes about buying a car while at school.  My son was at Goose Creek and the first month he was there he bought not only a car, but soon after a motorcycle.  Everything was great until he got his orders.  He is assigned to the USS George Washington in Japan and had to sell both his car and bike.  They are not allowed to take them overseas.  You may want to warn you sons and daughters that it may be worth it to buy a cluncker for the time they are at Goose Creek until they find out where they will be stationed. It may be easier to on their wallets while they are at school and once they are assigned they can upgrade using any bonus they get completing the program

Comment by proud dad Nuke sailor on March 10, 2011 at 2:50am

LOL I find it funny reading about all of the experiences of the other families. My son is just getting ready to start Prototype he to is in the car shopping position. I am helping my son with six months of insurance. During the last year my son has not been driving so he has not had the need for insurance, of course in the eyes of the insurance company this makes him high risk. By helping my son with insurance for six months he will qualify to steep out on his own at a preferred rate of coverage after the six month period.

If I had known the minimal cost of adding my son to my policy for six months I would have done it during the time he was in power school and he would already qualify for the preferred rate.

It appears that my son may be taking my advise on purchasing a car, because he is asking a lot of questions about my experance with cars.

I was a Bee with a CM rate, a fleet manager for a local government and a service manager for a auto repair shop. I currently am in the service industry with Toyota.

My advice to my son at this point is to buy a used car that should be mechanically dependable for as much as two years and to keep the cost down to a point hat he can pay cash for it.

I am suggesting that he sells the car at his completion of nuke training and not be stuck with storage during the time he will be underway. To focus on saving for a better car once he has a need for a more permanent car.

I am trying to direct him to a car that based on my experience would have a low maintenance cost.

I focus on cost per mile to operate, dependability and parts avalableity.

We will see how far he will take this. I have told him the decision is his because he will be the one driving this car, SUV or truck.

I just want his experience in prototype to have as few external distractions as possible.

I also am encouraging him to pursue ELT, there is some very good training there that will make him a great asset.

I enjoy reading all of the comments and experiences from other navy families. I hope to share in all of the navy family celebrations and lift up the families that are needing support. 

Comment by Susan J on March 10, 2011 at 12:24am
Sorry, but Craig got to go home yesturday...he is doing much better but will be on blood thinners for a few months according to his wife. So since he is home, he should be able to come and check in here! I will send him a message to his cell phone and tell him to do so!
Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on March 9, 2011 at 9:42pm
Susan wrote that his sense of humor was back and that he was joking with the nurses......that is usually a good sign!!
Comment by Michael Louth on March 9, 2011 at 9:39pm
Does anyone know how Craig is doing?  Sandy and I have been wondering.  Please let us all know.  By the way, our son returns home tomorrow.  We will let you all know how things are going.  Thanks for your continued support.
Comment by KS Dad on March 9, 2011 at 6:09pm

It sounds like she has got a great father too, H Tran. 

My son wanted to prove he was an independent adult so he also bought a car. Never asked for help or advice. To proud. His car was a turbocharged Mazda. After all was done he called me and said, "dad, how can they charge me more a month for insurance than for my car payment?" I bit my tongue to keep from laughing my but off as I was talking to him. Hard lessons are well learned lessons.


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