Driving, Not Walking On, for PIR

I have read many forums but still do not have clarity on one pending question.  I am driving (NOT walking on) to RTC for the PIR on January 6th.  Since I am driving, do I need to first go to the Visitor's Center to check my ID and to get my hand stamped, or can I go directly to Gate 8, have my/our ID checked while in my vehicle, park and proceed to the Ceremonial Hall?

Given the extremely cold weather in Great Lakes, I am attempting to minimize outside walking for my wife, my civilian son and me n attending the PIR of my Recruit, soon to be Sailor.  Thank you.  

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  • To gain access to RTC, you will need your printed Gate Pass. This is available the week before PIR using the password provided to you in the Form Letter. You will proceed to the entrance gate and be directed to the parking facility. It is a short walk to the Ceremonial Hall....where your ID will be cross-checked with the Guest List before you enter the hall. Dress warmly!

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