Holiday policy at BESS

Does anyone know what they do for the Thanksgiving holiday?  Our son is probably in week # 2 now and will be in ~week #4 at Thanksgiving time.  When would they find out if they can leave base and how far away they can go?  Pete

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  • You should be hearing from your son about Christmas.
  • Thanks Jack,
    Our son isn't one to call home a lot. The word he left was t that he couldn't go anywhere for Thanksgiving. The other source of info is Navy for Moms. The word is there that the school shuts down for a week but I am not sure which week. Pete
  • Pete,

    When you do find out can you post it here? Imagine your sailor should know pretty soon.

    My boy does PIR next week, the 24th, then ships out to Groton. So we will be wondering about Xmas and New Years.

    I do recall that they can not travel far on liberty. 60 miles comes to mind on a weekend pass and 500 miles max for four-days or longer of leave but only with CO's approval.

    My wife and I were thinking about doing New Years in CT with our sailor.

    Best regards.

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