Hi my name is Glen from Texas and my Son started Sub School in December last year, just a few weeks prior to Christmas. I wanted to introduce myself, make some new friends, and as a civilian Dad continue to educate myself about the Navy.
My Son found out yesterday he will be training for the FT position. I did read up on it a little but via the internet, but would like to get some input from other Dads who might like to share any information that would be helpful to know.
Thank you in advance for taking time to read my post, and I look forward to meeting other Navy Dads.
God Bless you and your families.
My son is in A school now for FT. He went to Groton from Great Lakes on 19-Jul, but did not start BESS until early Aug. After BESS, there was about a week before ATT. After completion of ATT in early December, there was a delay and he started A school in mid-January 2014. He informed us that they are expecting to complete A school at the end of May. He was glad to get started with A school. There were gaps in time between all of the stages until they organized a class. I talked to him last week, and he mentioned that they are already discussing how to make their preferences for deployment. I warned him that there will likely be another time delay after A school.
My son graduated BESS a few weeks ago is awaiting an "A" School slot in FT also, right now he is in A.T.T. I didn't realize that there would be a gab between BESS and "A" School. I am so proud of him, he has worked so hard and come so far in a few months. Matt.
Hi Glen,
My son John is an FT aboard the OKC and has been aboard his sub for a couple of years now. I can't say I know a whole lot about what an FT does but I do know that they are part of the weapons division and stand their watches at the fire control station on the bridge (control room?). They are in charge of launch systems for the torpedos and any cruise missles (if the sub has them). Interesting they are also responsible for keeping track of all the surface activity around the boat. They work closely with the sonar team and thier job is to keep the officer of the deck informed about any contacts. Like everyone on a sub, FTs do different jobs which range from being food service attendents and the runner during their first underways (called cranking) to working as part of the security team when surfaced. Qualifying (getting your fish) is a big deal. Over the last couple of years the promotion rate from E3 to E4 has been a little slow but the last couple of promotion cycles the percentages for this rating has gone up. A lot of that has to do with available slots. I think for my son's boat they work pretty hard. Pete
rating info card for FT: https://www.cool.navy.mil/enlisted/rating_info_cards/ft.pdf
My son graduated BESS Oct. '12 after being a Nuke Drop. He is now a TM (old term that they hang on to for Torpedoman). His boat has been in port and dry dock since. If you have the opportunity to travel to Groton for Bess graduation, GO! It is much different than PIR. In fact, my son, wife, and I got to tour his boat while we were there.
Blessings on your family and son,
Welcome Glen. My son is graduating BESS next Friday Jan. 24. He is an ET-Nav. Every week, he learns some new responsibilities they will have once they are on board the Sub, not just navigation. I'm sure the same is said of FT. On this site is a good description of the different positions. My son was also given, by his recruiter, an excellent description of each of the different positions. Shoot for that matter, give his recruiter a call. I'll bet he can supply you with something too.
Welcome aboard! My son will be graduating as an FT this March. He loves what he is doing and is anxious to hear which boat and base he will be assigned to. I have some ideas as to what he has gone through and would be happy to share this with you. We are all so proud of him!!