This is my first attempt at joining a discussion group. Before I pose my question, I first want to say that it is very comforting to know that there is a forum available to the parents of new recruits to help answer our questions. This is a totally new and challenging experience. As parents, we have always supported our children (now adults) in making the right decisions and helping them gather all the important information they will need to make those decisions. As my son enters the Navy, I know that he is entering a new stage in his life and career. My input will lessen as it should but I still want to help him as much as I can. Now to my question: He has completed 4 years of college in Criminal Justice and signed up in the DEP on 11/12. he will be going to Boot camp in May. he tested well on the ASVAB and will go into the submarine electronincs program at Groton. When he was enlisting he asked about the Loan Repayment Program and one of the recruiters told him not to worry about that now since he could address it at boot camp. My initial reading says he needs to have that in his contract and the paper work started within 60 days of enlisting. I am confused and would like some direction. I also read something about the Admiral's Accelerator Award (AAA). How can he qualify for this?
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if your son has a college degree why is he not going to officer training school first off and second boot camp is not the place to discuss lrp program you do want everything in writing up front my son is 4th generation navy after me. even have a few cousins that were officers and one navy commander /doctor . better follow up i would
One note on that is that if he wants to be an officer (except for supply) on a submarine he will need to go to nuc school. I believe submarine officers all have technical degrees (or they wnat them to) and they go through nuc school. When my son went through basic I was truly surprised to findout that there were a lot of people in his division that had four year degrees. One of his buddies with a four year (non technical) degree tried to go to OCS (top person in his BESS class) but was turned down. I think a story just broke that the navy (which just went through a down sizing through its enlisted retention boards last year) may be short enlisted but have an adequate supply of officers. This article was in Navy Times.
Have your son check with the Chief at the recruiting station about loan repayment. Why there may be a program for enlisted personnel to get repayment of student loans, i don't know of any, most are for direct procured Officers, which raises the main question. With a BS, why is he enlisting rather that go for a direct commission via OCS? Remember the golden rule, he who has the gold, makes the rules. Have him check with the Officer Procurement Officer to see if there is a better program for him. If he he wants to be a Nuc. there should be a better program for him.
Hi Jim, This was not my son's situation but your question caught my eye. If you google Loan repayment program-Navy it comes back with a file from Navy recruiting command which basically says that this stuff needs to be done now through the recruiter or classifier. I didn't see a date on the file so the info may be old but it could be that the recruiter just doesn't know and your son should go to the chief who is running the recruiting station and ask. It seems that there are specific forms for him and the person he owes money to to fill out and turn in. It seems to me that a lot of what happens at bootcamp is a blurr so I would really be surprised that they would be given the time to fill out special forms. I also was curious about the Admiral acceleration award. The information I was was that this was an award for recruiters of the staff at the training centers and not something for recruits.