
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc


Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::

I am a LEO in California. Married. Two sons, one going into the Navy and the other going into the Marines. Very proud

What Brought You To This Site:

My son is recently enlisted (before PIR)

What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:

Very proud and thankful. Life for our young people right now is very difficult. I feel my son and military service are meant for each other.

What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor


Please Share: How Did You Find Us?

My wife found navymoms.com and suggested I view navydads.com.

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  • Hi Craig been busy with work . Hope all is well with you and the family. I imagine your son is well into his first couple of weeks by now, hard to fathom every thing these kids are doing now. We havent heard from our son lately, very busy himself. He is working on his third stage liberty as well. My DIL gets to see him fairly often during the week and I believe she is working at the NEX so that will help get things back to normal for them. I will keep you posted on any new developments.

  • Hi Craig Just wanted to wish your youngest GOOD LUCK with his new adventure. By the way welcome to the empty nesters club, now you get to travel following your young men. Our DIL is setting up house in GL now and my son is getting his paper work finalized so he can leave base with her.he is doing good already working on a new leadership position so he is pretty buisy too, but they have the energy for it. Talk later and God Bless you and your family.

  • It has been a bit easier now that we can Skype and talk on the phone. We will have to wait to see what our grandsons will do with millitary service, but thats not for at least 12 years or more. I will keep you and you family in my prayers.I am confident that these young men will do them selves proud. We'll keep you posted on our happenings, and take care. 

  • Craig enjoy the time with your son before he leaves for the Marines, And please tell him good luck for me. Mom I'm sure will be making the best of her time with him. I grew up in So. New England and know that area a bit , the parts I know are very nice but I must warn you he may pick up a funny accent and start saying things like it's wicked good or he's going to paak the caa in the baan.On our home front our DIL is going to move to GL to be with our sailor while he's there. 

  • Thanks again Craig and you are absolutely correct when all this is done it will change again and it will continue that process from this point forward. My problem is case in point its Fathers Day (happy fathers day by the way) and I have heard nothing from him since Tuesday and it is maddening I know how hard this has been for J and I am very concerned what happens if he just can't find that 38 seconds because god forbid he wash out and its nothing from me, he will be his own worst enemy then. I am trying so hard to stay positive and would never ever let him know any of this but this not knowing is tough. I wish there were some way to just find out if he is with his division or alone somewhere beating himself up for being such a failure and disappointment. You know he actually said that phrase to me on the phone last week that " I'm sorry I let you guys down again, all I wanted is to make you proud of me" I have never told that boy that I was ever anything other than proud of and for him. I'm not even sure if his division has started Battle Stations much less anything else I have a hunch and its not a good one. Well my freind I am rambling so I will end this. Once again thank you for your your support and I will keep you posted.
  • Thank you Craig for those encouraging words it is just killing me not knowing amything since Wed night it's like being able to hear every tick of the clock each and every hour Tic Toc I know they say no news is good news but man this is rough. Well once again thanks and I will keep you posted.
  • Hi Craig it was great to meet you and your family, sorry I didn't get to meet your Sailor, like you we were zeroed in on our Sailor and with the crowd moving I lost sight of you folks. my sailor is going to A school in GL. We're not sure for how long but he may be there for awhile. When you talk to your sailor send him our congradulations. It was'nt easy but they made it or did we make it?

  • Just talked to DIL, WE HAVE A SAILOR HOOYAH!!!

  • Hi Craig, I hope all is well with you and your family.  It's been pretty busy, but not as busy as our SR's today!  My wife is at work with her cell phone by her side :)  We are really looking forward to next week, we are pretty much counting down the days!

  •  Hi Craig we got a letter from our SR on Saturday. He said the RDC's are not yelling as much probably because they are doing things right now.On Sunday's he gets up early to write to our DIL and us then its Chapel Watch. He also said that it was getting fast paced,  I wonder if it is because it's a push division? Battle Stations coming up soon,and DIL will be here for a wedding at that time so we should hear when SR passes. He passed his last PT with flying colors, but he wants to beat the so called alpha standard. He has four tenth of a second for the run and eight more sit ups to match it. I think he's going to make a career of it.

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