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I have 5 boys. Three are in college, my fourth is a US Army Sgt currently in Iraq, and my youngest is at Boot Camp in Great Lakes scheduled for his PIR April 10, 2009.
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I have 5 boys. Three are in college, my fourth is a US Army Sgt currently in Iraq, and my youngest is at Boot Camp in Great Lakes scheduled for his PIR April 10, 2009.
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My son is currently serving
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Well,James is still in A school.He has about 4 to 5 weeks left till he graduates.His class didn't start up right away so he was stuck in holding for about 41/2 weeks.Oh well.could have been worse {:-) It took a while,but he is adjusting to the Miss. weather finally.
James got to phase 2 about 2 weeks ago and he has been getting out as much as possible. He went skydiving 2 week-ends ago and i know he spent Friday at the beach.
Also,how is your son doing with moving over to the 11b1p?Has he signed his re-up papers yet?Hoping all the best for you and the family.
Steve !!!!!!!
It's not a sin to get knocked down;It's a sin to stay down
"Master Chief Boatswains Mate Carl Brashear"
James is in Gulfport right now.They are supposed to class up next Monday.Somewhere betwixt and between 8-12 weeks he will be home for 2 whole weeks... Time to RIDE!!!!
Gotta say though,it helps that he has his cell phone now and we are able to talk to him every day or at least text back and forth.We are getting him a new laptop so we will be pretty much connected here in a week.I think that is the big thing,knowing that our kids are just a call or an e-mail away.At least that is better than not knowing anything.Well,time to zzzzzz-out.have a good one..
Steve !!!!!!!!!
It's not a sin to get knocked down;It's a sin to stay down
"Master Chief Boatswains Mate Carl Brashear"
Steve !!!!!!
It's not a sin to get knocked down;It's a sin to stay down
"Master Chief Boatswains Mate Carl Brashear"
Sounds like you can just take it nice and easy heading west tomorrow. We will be up and headed to the airport at 2:30 A.M. Thursday morning and that will put us into Midway at about 3 that afternoon. courtyard at the marriot i think by 5. Gonna be a good time,we get to see our new sailors !
Looking forward to seeing you all there !
Steve !!!!!!
It's not a sin to get knocked down;It's a sin to stay down
"Master Chief Boatswains Mate Carl Brashear"
Let me know when you here from Todd. James called Saturday,and he was sounding pretty good.I guess they have been going over to ricky heaven and indulging themselves with Red Bull and Twix candy bars. We should be getting to Great Lakes about 5 O'clock Thursday eve. You get all settled in give me a call @ 360-269-3796 that is my cell # and we can arrange a meet if you wish. I think we will be leaving Sunday at 6A.M. Gonna do the tourist thing since James is grad and go.
Well,I'll talk to you a bit later. Keep your fingers crossed and we'll say a prayer for Todd.
Steve !!!!!
It's not a sin to get knocked down;It's a sin to stay down
"Master Chief Boatswains Mate Carl Brashear"
If you get to talk to Todd before Battle Stations give him my best and tell him to give 'er hell !
We got some letters from James Yesterday and i know he is looking forward to getting A school done so he can come home, jump on the scooter and ride. Guess i better start cleaning mine up so we can spend some time together on the road. Maybe try to plan a short trip somewhere for a couple of days.
Well i think this has been longwinded enough. You take care and we'll look for you here in about 6 days !
Steve !!!!!!
It's not a sin to get knocked down;It's a sin to stay down
"Master Chief Boatswains Mate Carl Brashear"
It's not a sin to get knocked down;It's a sin to stay down
"Master Chief Boatswains Mate Carl Brashear"
Tell Todd not to worry about scores as long as he passed.That is the main thing. I think James just kinda lucked out because we do a lot of shooting out here and he has never shot a pistol even close to what his score was. It will be fun to see what his rifle scores will be when he gets to his combat training for seabees ! Then i just might,and i say MIGHT get to pitch my buddy some woo. I love to shoot rifles,but i stink at pistols...... lol..
You said Todd was going to Gulf Port i think. What is his job? I don't think you ever said! James is headed there,but he is grad and go,last we heard. Well time to call it a night. Talk to you later..
It's not a sin to get knocked down;It's a sin to stay down
"Master Chief Boatswains Mate Carl Brashear"
Steve !!!!!!!!!!
It's not a sin to get knocked down;It's a sin to stay down
"Master Chief Boatswains Mate Carl Brashear"