
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::

I am a Navy Recruiter out in Fullerton, Ca. I been in the Navy for 13yrs+. Just wanted to say Thank You all for your support for all those who are serving in the Navy(Past, Present & Future)

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I'm Currently Serving

What Brought You To This Site:

I am a sailor

What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor


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  • Greetings,
    My son is in the process of volunteering to work with the recruiter in our town. He has been in touch with the local recruiter. What is the usual process for the approval?
  • Thank you for your service. I am a former EM3 SS from the diesel boats of the 70's. My son is now an airdale with a patrol squadron based in Hawaii.
    Have a GREAT DAY!
  • Island619, Welcome Aboard! Let me start by thanking you for your years of service to this great country. We as parents really count on our sons and daughters recruiters for guidance and help. I'm sure we will really benefit from your insight on the Navy. Also anything we can do for you just let us know. Thank you for serving our country and finding the talent it takes to run the US Navy.
    Sincerely, EG
  • Welcome to the site Islandr619! I'm sure you'll find the site as fun and useful as I have. Explore and make some friends, add your comments to a discussion or two, read the postings in the various groups-- even start one or two. I have! I'm lucky enough to have two sailors- my son Eric is on the second half of a seven-month cruise on the carrier Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) and my daughter Kat recently returned from a seven-month cruise on the carrier Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72). There are several other recruiters that are members...stop by the Ask a Recruiter group and say hello and introduce youself....
    And thank you for your service to our great country! Best Regards- Paul
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