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  • Justin, Welcome Aboard!

    I want to thank you for your commitment to serve our country and for protecting its freedoms. We dads and moms on here are very proud of all our Sailors serving in the Navy. So please jump right in and make this site your own. We love our Sailors on here! They have been a big help to us parents and we hope to them as well. We parents on this site are here for anything you need. Also, thank Mike for his service for me and thanks again for joining us.

    Sincerely, E.G.
  • Justin, Welcome to NAVYDADS. My Grandson joined the Navy and went to Boot Camp in February, 2008. When I joined I knew nothing about the Military and this site has really helped me understand what to expect and has relieved some of the worries I had. We are a big family here and you can help answer most any question we may had regarding what is in store for our recruit. We like to hear about your recruit the good times, the concerns and the question. I think you will find that our member are just a great big family and everyone wants to help others understand what to expect and hear how your recruit is doing.

    Again Welcome and keep us updated of your recruit’s progress.

    HooYah US Navy!!!!!!!!!!!
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