
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc


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  • I just spoke to my daughter who reinforced my advice...."Choose your rate....Choose your fate"! He can push for the MA slot or withdraw at anytime before taking his final oath. The detailer at MEPS is trying to fill slots. Again....your Son is in the driver's seat! Only settle for what he wants!

  • don't want to sound like a troll, but say your comment to Tom....

    this was posted by a former Navy Chief in regards to something else, but the advice still holds:

    To all who are having problems getting their childrens' recruiter to forward the ship/div info - IF the recruiter in charge does not handle it, you need to ask for the Zone Supervisor, if nothing happens there, the next one you should ask and speak to is the Assistant Chief Recruiter, then the Chief Recruiter. IF all that fails, then my next step would be to contact the Commanding Officer. I would wait no more than 1-2 days between contacts (ZS, ACR, CR).
    I can tell you that the last thing a recruiter wants (or needs) is negative attention.

  • Steve....I think that he was being pressured to sign. I haven't heard of any such restriction for MEPS. My best advice at this point is to pressure his Recruiter to get him an MA slot when it becomes available. He should not be forced into something that he doesn't want. Secondly, he is not locked in to anything until he takes that final oath and can still withdraw. We just had another recruit go through a similar situation. He was pressured to sign for an MOS that he really didn't want. The Recruiter came through for him and was able to get him his requested slot when it opened up. Your Son is still in the driver's seat!!!

  • That is GREAT news!!!!!

  • Steve...Are we back in the game???

  • Welcome Back!

  • Greetings Steven! When my son joined the Navy I really had no idea nor a clue on what he’s about to partake in besides what I’ve seen on tv and some stories I've heard from friends and relatives who have served in the military.

    However, I'm so honored and very proud of his decision to serve our great country.

    From the start, I’ve perused Navy and recruiter information online and beyond but felt that I needed more peace of mind to help keep me from worrying too much. I also wanted to hear from real people who've been around the block and others to share knowledge and experience throughout this entire journey.

    That's when I found this website while searching for answers...

    We're all in this together and I hope you too will find NavyDads.Com useful with lots of real shared information.

    Please don't forget to check out our Groups section and join a group that shares your interest. Please keep us posted on your Sailor's progress via status updates, discussion forums, blogs and photos...

    A Warm "Thank You" from our family to you and your son Cameron for his service!

    Welcome Aboard and GO NAVY!

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