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My son is recently enlisted (before PIR)

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  • We wsould be happy to talk with him but there are enough submarine nucs at the school who can talk with him.  The lack of communication is not a significant thing as it used to be.  With internet and cell phones they are never out of touch that long.  The advantage of being a submariner is much greater than any lack of communication you might experience.  We say the dolphins do not have an expiration date on them.  Once you are qualified you are a brother of the phin.   If your son is interested in attending a meeting let me know and I will arrange it.   The submarine veterans group gives an award presentation at each graduation to the outstanding submarine designated graduate.

  • Thank you and and thank your son for his service.  Bravo Zulu.

  • Sorry I messed your chat TJ- enjoy PIR- it is an amazing experience!

  • generally orders after A-school state: report by such and such a date which allows some flexibility- but that is after A-school

  • Thanks for the friend request TJ!

  • Our son is 3 years in now - on the USS Truman.  Feel free to ask any questions you may have!

  • Hey TJ - Most likely your son will head to GC on Saturday (early) but it could also be on Sunday.  Technically he will "depart BC & arrive at NNPTC" on the same day.  It just won't be Friday!

  • Sorry for missing your messages---between work and stuff at home it's hit or miss......EG says he'll try to respond to you today...

  • I sent a text to EG Saturday and asked him to get with you about your order.

  • In general you can figure 8 weeks form the Friday after he left....BUT....wait for the letter you'll receive about 10 days after arrival at RTC.  That will have the planned PIR date.  There are NO PIRs on December 18 or 25 so you need to see that letter before making really firm plans.

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