
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc


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Ex Navy AO from 83-87. I live in Ramona Ca .

Prior Military Experience

Proud Navy Veteran

What Brought You To This Site:

my son is recently enlisted

What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:

I was proud and scared at the same time .

What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor


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  • I havn't seen you on here for a long time. How are you and how goes Boot Camp?
  • How's it going since your son shipped out?
  • eoddad, Welcome to NAVYDADS and U.S. Navy Special Operations Group. When you have a chance be sure to read Posting on NSW Forums (this is a must read) for the U.S. Navy Special Operations page. Everyone here is ready and willing to help answer any question you have regarding this long journey your Son or loved one is starting. Tell your Son that my Family and I appreciate his desire to join the Navy and we are Proud of his decision. He will be in our thoughts and we wish him the best.
  • What's up with Jeff??
  • He is pretty much settled in to his routine. He is in a temporary command as his squadron is deployed. He is getting along with all but a couple of the guys. He tells me that his first class has been advising him on leave. He found an error on his leave record that should restore 7 - 8 days. Comes from a snafu at the last command. His orders were delayed from Dec 19 to Dec 27, but the leave papers were prepared ahead and not corrected. One of the chiefs approached him and wanted to know why his name was not on the list for the E-4 exam. Since he has already taken the test once the chief is check into it. Seem as if some of the senior enlisted are watching over him.
    He is still pretty much trapped on the base as buss service is very limited and no car, His roommate is working on getting his car shipped.
    Tell Jeff I wish him the best. God Bless him!
  • What do you ear from RTC?
  • Gosh, wouldn't it be great if we could run a school like bootcamp. I actually am pretty fortunate in my school. I am the last and ultimate word on who attends and stays in our school. We are an "At risk" school that helps those who don't make it in a regular high school. Most of my students come with so much baggage that they struggle just getting a meal once they leave the building. The parents are often the cause of the angst. It's hard to concentrate on school when mom is hooked on drugs and dad is in prison. I hug them up but when they need it but I am not by an means a molly coddler with them. The girls dress like ladies(or they're sent home), boys wear pants that fit them and their hats are removed once they enter the building(or they are sent home). We tolerate no drugs or cursing. Once they buy into it, they find great success, if they can't buy in, they need to leave and find something else that will tolerate their non-conformity. My staff is incredible and would go to the end of the earth for our students, but expect the students to meet them half-way.
    Eric and I essentially did the same thing last summer, only we went and spent 2 weeks in Yellowstone and Grand Teton NPs. It was a wonderful experience and I think that it helped bring us closer(until school started again:). Our daughter tends to bust her ass in school and complains when she gets a B+, quite a departure from Eric. Now though, he seems to be studying and working hard. I pray that he makes it to his goals. I think that he can.
  • LOL...I agree with you so much. I have been very hard on Eric(because I've wanted better for him that I had) and there has actually been some resentment from him towards me while he was in school. He didn't seem to see the value of working hard on the grades whereas I did. I'm very proud of him going into the Navy(by his choice) and going into a noble rating as a HM. He has indicated that he'd like to certainly go FMF but has expressed and interest in SEALS or RECON. I'm behind him no matter what he decides. It's been an amazing transformation watching him change from a boy to a man. They were able to do in 8 weeks what I've been trying to do for 18 years:) Last year we were visiting my wife's family in Long Beach and took a day to visit to San Diego, we drove out to Coronado and it was neat to see the old hangers and the town. I took the kids down to where we used to live in IB(just down the street from Baloots) and I was amazed at the new condos that they'd put up. I don't think that we could afford to live there now, it was incredible.
  • No kidding!!! I went through FRAC at HS-10 then deployed aboard the USS Enterprise with CAG-11. Do you remember AW1 Discenzo(sp) or AW2 "Big E", Bill Small? I too think that some of that discipline was good for me. I look at some of the kids that I now coach and wonder if they'd have made it through some of the stuff that we did. Physically they are very strong and quick, but emotionally, I don't know if they've ever really had the "boom" lowered on them.
  • You are so right on!!! I do remember that screaming and hollering as soon as you got off the bus, then again in the middle of the night. I don't think that they do that as much as they used to. I've been a football coach for many years and it seems that they use that type of philosophy now. They still get on the kids about attention to detail and all, but I don't think that they PT them like they did to us, nor get into their faces like we used to get. As a matter of fact, while Eric was in bootcamp, I'd asked him how it was and he said, "it's a lot easier than 2-a-days and the RTCs are nicer than you coaches". He also said that they actually got bored while in bootcamp! I never remember being bored(well except for those wonderful films we had to watch). What squadron were you with?
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