
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc


Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::

i am a single dad andformer sailor

Prior Military Experience

Proud Navy Veteran

What Brought You To This Site:

My son is recently enlisted (before PIR)

What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:

i am very proud of him the best move he can make

What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor


Please Share: How Did You Find Us?

though navy for moms

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  • so Jim....how was that little shindig the Navy put together on Friday!!!

  • Congrats Jim and BZ to Axel!

  • I see your in IA, you are so much closer then me.  I'm in LA (but not Cajun) so hopefully it will be this week.  We will have to meet at PIR.  Have you made reservations to stay anywhere yet?  We're staying at the Navy Lodge.  I'm writing every other day too. Just can't wait for a letter from my SR.

  • check on page 3 of the Lodging Guide for a chart with prices: http://www.navydads.com/group/pirtipshintsandhelps/forum/topics/gre...

  • Just you wait. It's hard to describe how proud a feeling when that door opens and your son/daughter marches in! I'll never forget that moment. 

  • faith bro....the eight weeks at RTC goes by much faster than you think it will

  • Jim, the shirts should ship tomorrow morning.

  • Jim, click this link EN-Engineman it will take you to Navy Enlisted Ratings page and that Rate.

  • Jim,

    I'll give you the short version of what a Tiger Cruise is and a link to our Tiger Cruise Group for more info.

    When your Sailor is deployed overseas, at the end of their deployment the Navy offers their family the opportunity to experience a Tiger Cruise with them. Meaning, you get the chance to ride the ship back with your child when the ship is finally headed back to it's homeport. You will eat and sleep amongst the Sailor's during the length of the Tiger Cruise.

    Example: My son was aboard the USS Ronald Reagan. When the Reagan would finish up it's deployment, it would make it's final port in Pearl Harbor. Parents and family members had the chance to fly to Pearl Harbor to catch the Tiger Cruise home, meaning they would ride the ship back with their Sailor for 7 days until it reached it's homeport in San Diego, Ca. It gives parents the opportunity to get a glimpse of what Navy life is like for their Sailor while deployed.

  • from the intro to our Toger Cruise group:

    Some of us are lucky and have either been on a Tiger/Family Day Cruise, are in the planning stages for one, or are hoping to sail with their sailor when they return from deployment. Share your hints and experiences here--- but remember that posting port dates and many details about upcoming events can pose a security risk....so use your good judgment about what you post here!

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