FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How does my son/daughter get into the Navy?

Your son/daughter will have to meet certain criteria...age, school status, etc. In addition, they will have to take the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) which is a test to determine their general knowledge in a multitude of areas. Navy jobs ('rates") have specific qualifications and your sons/daughters ASVAB score will determine if they are qualified. For more information talk to a Navy recruiter.

The recruiter said there are no rates open right now and that my future sailor would enter the DEP program. What is that?

DEP (delayed entry program) is for sailors that will ship to bootcamp on a delayed basis. They have certain obligations in the DEP programs, meetings, PT, etc.. It also gives them time to learn certain aspects of Navy life and master things like the Sailor’s Creed.

How long is DEP?

That is entirely dependant on the needs of the Navy and can range from a month to more that a year.

Where does my future sailor take the oath of service and can I attend?

You sailor will take the oath at a MEPS office (military entrance processing station) where paperwork will be finalized and your son or daughter will take the oath. You are encouraged to attend to watch and take photos of this memorable event.

How does my sailor get to bootcamp?

The Navy will provide transportation to bootcamp located at Great Lakes, IL.

What should they take with them to bootcamp?

There is very little space at bootcamp and the Navy is very specific about what your sailor can take with them.

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