800/900 test

800 Divisions

Naval Special Warfare operator ratings are  SEAL or Special Warfare Operator (SO), Navy Diver (ND), Special Warfare Boat Operator (SB) or Special Warfare Combatant – craft Crewman (SWCC), Aviation Rescue Swimmers (AIRR), and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD). There are few 800 divisions a year, so not every TG will have one, but some TG's will have one or two 800 divisions.

Recruits in these divisions are determined by their contracts before arrival and hence do not process thru "P" or Processing days. It's not unusual for those in an 800 division to be in Push Divisions. You have to wait on The Form Letter to know the PIR date for sure. 

Those in an 800 division do the same training that recruits in regular divisions go through. They have a second PT (physical training) time each day when PT is scheduled so they have PT in the morning and in the afternoon. They also have regularly scheduled time at the pool for training in addition to the times that they would have pool time if they were in a regular division. They may learn and be tested in the Combat Swimmer Stroke (CSS) or be able to test using a freestyle stroke depending on the field they are going into. The special ops candidates also have assigned Dive Motivator PT (DIVEMO). The recruits in an 800 division can receive an extra ration of food around midnight at the galley if they want it due to the extra calories that they burn due to the physical training that they go through. These recruits are not permitted to work out except during PT or IT (intensive training; extra PT given as a corrective action). Lights out is at 2200 (10:00 pm) and back on at 0400 (4:00 am).

Recruits with contracts for SEAL or Special Warfare Operator (SO) and Special Warfare Boat Operator (SB) or Special Warfare Combatant – craft Crewman (SWCC) with the same ship date or with a ship date within a day of the same ship date will be together in the same 800 division or brother division in the same TG. Recruits with a contract for Navy Diver (ND), Aviation Rescue Swimmers (AIRR), and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) with the same ship date or with a ship date within a day of the same ship date will be together in the same TG in the same 800 division or brother division or they may be in regular divisions if there are not enough recruits for an 800 division or if they are females.

The 800 divisions go through Battle Stations-21 alone, with another 800 division if there are 2 or more 800 divisions in the TG, with the 900 division/s, or with a pair of brother divisions from the regular divisions. See Battle Stations-21 (BST)

We often think of the 800 divisions as being all male divisions and most of the year that is true, but there are integrated 800 divisions at times if there is a large enough number of female special ops candidates because candidates for AIRR, EOD, and ND can be male or female and SB and SO are going to be open for females. Females who have a contract for a special ops rating will be assigned to an integrated regular division rather than an 800 division if there are not enough females to fill a compartment and may not be all be assigned to the same division, but several are usually together. When that happens, the form letter is mailed at the end of P-days and arrives about 10 days after arrival. (See Arrival and What Happens at the RTC.) These recruits will train with the 800 division/s for the additional PT sessions and pool times at 0430 (4:30 am).

Sometimes recruits with a special ops contract will be placed in a regular division if there are not enough to form a full division. When that happens, the form letter is mailed at the end of P-days and arrives about 10 days after arrival. (See Arrival and What Happens at the RTC.) These recruits will train with the 800 division/s from other TG's that are at the RTC for the additional PT sessions and pool times at 0430. Although all of the special ops recruits may not be in the same division, several are usually together. Female recruits with a special ops contract are usually placed in a regular division since there are generally

Those with a recruit in an 800 Division or special ops contract need to be especially aware of OPSEC and PERSEC. See OPSEC and PERSEC (Making Changes to Your Profile) for more information and make any changes at the bottom of that Page that you need to make. Changes 1 and 2 will tell you how to remove your name or that of your recruit from your Username and URL for your profile page and offers suggestions for making your Profile Page less obvious as to your identity and that of your recruit/Sailor and his/her special ops status, such as changing the ZIP code so that it does not reflect your hometown and not mentioning the rating that your recruit/Sailor is contracted for. Change 3 will tell you how to fix your Privacy settings--I suggest "Just My Friends." I also suggest that you uncheck all of the boxes under "Latest Activity" at the bottom so that your activity on N4M does not get posted in the "Latest Activity" feed on the left. Change 4 deals with your profile picture--don't include one with your recruit's face and to be even safer, don't use your own picture or that of any person who is associated with your recruit/Sailor. Change 5 will tell you how to delete photos if you have posted them--don't include any of your recruit or Sailor or of any person or thing that will be easily associated with your recruit or Sailor. Change 6 will tell you how to turn off the "Latest Activity" log at the top of your My Page so that your posts are not readily available to those who visit your My Page. Change 7 will tell you how to hide the groups that you have joined on N4M so that it is less obvious to others who visit your My Page that you have a recruit or Sailor with a contract for a Special Ops rating by the groups you have joined. Be careful, even "Liking" the discussion for your recruit's division lets others know that you most likely have a recruit in that division, so if you have "Liked" the discussion for your recruit's division, then you should click on "Liked it!" to "Unlike" it.

It may be a good idea if you lurk within some groups and not post. Although there is a discussion within each PIR group for the 800 division/s that does not mean that you have to participate in it. N4M is not a private site and ANYONE with access to the internet can come on the site and see what is posted, so post very little about your recruit and later Sailor and never post pictures of him/her or his/her last name (not using his/her first name also increases PERSEC). There are groups on fB for the PIR groups and even some groups related to special ops training; it would a good idea to avoid those groups because if you join those groups, your profile information will be readily associated with someone who is a candidate for a special ops rating, including your name and hometown unless the group is a secret group rather than just a private group. (I delete comments on this page from people who indicate that they have a recruit in an 800 division once I have reason to believe that the question or comment has been answered or acknowledged.)

While s/he's in BC, if someone asks for his/her rating, you can mention that s/he will stay in GL (or will fly out) after PIR and just avoid the question. Later, you can truthfully say, "I don't know much about it."

If a recruit with a contract for a special ops rating arrives at MEPS and fails something (such as the vision screening) that is a requirement for special ops, but does not prevent him from being eligible for another rating, then that will be noted in the recruit's file. The recruit will undergo additional evaluation at the RTC to determine if s/he continues to be eligible for his/her contract. If the recruit is found not to be eligible for his/her contract, then the recruit will later meet with the classifier and will be given a new contract for a different rating that s/he qualifies for or be given the option to be separated. Some recruits may be offered a contract with a different rating within the special ops community that has less stringent qualifications than the one the recruit shipped with. If the recruit chooses a contract outside of the special ops community, then the recruit will be moved to a regular division if the recruit is interested in continuing with training.

If a recruit in a regular division displays exceptional potential for special ops, s/he can be singled out and invited to attend PT and swim sessions to see if this may be something s/he is interested in. The choice to accept or decline the invitation is always his/hers. If the recruit accepts the invitation, s/he then remains with his/her same division, but attends the extra sessions with an 800 division. If it is determined that the recruit is suited for a special ops rating, then s/he will be offered a new contract, which s/he can choose to accept or decline.

Sometimes a recruit who was assigned to an 800 division will be removed from the division for various reasons, often related to the first PFA (physical fitness assessment). The recruit may also choose to Drop on Request (DOR) if s/he no longer feels that special ops is appropriate for him/her. When that happens the recruit will be placed in a regular division and later will meet with the classifier and will be given a new contract for a different rating that s/he qualifies for. Sometimes when this happens, the recruit will call a loved one to say that s/he has been moved to another division and that his/her address has changed. This is known as being ASMO'd (Assignment Memorandum; a change in what is happening with the recruit). This usually does not affect the PIR date, but if it does, you will be notified of that as well. If the PIR date does change, be sure to get the password to get the vehicle/gate pass because it will be different than the one for the previous date and you will not be able to drive onto the RTC without the vehicle/gate pass.

When recruits are ASMO'd, whether it's to go to SEPS to go home, to go to the RCU to recover from a sickness or injury, or to go to another division, the RDC most likely will say that the recruit has been ASMO'd and the others in the division will not know what has happened unless they happen to see him at the RTC during the course of training or at PIR or sometime later in the Fleet. This is due to confidentiality and/or HIPAA requirements. 

Many of the Sailors who were in an 800 division or who have a contract for one of the special ops ratings will stay at the Training Support Center (TSC) at Great Lakes following PIR for training prior to flying out for the next part of their training--only AIRR does not. Plan to leave late Sunday or on Monday if you are able. See PIR Day and Liberty During PIR Weekend to help you know how to plan your weekend. In addition to the items listed within that Page, your Sailor may thank you if you bring Boudreaux's Butt Paste to help prevent chafing. It is available at Baby's R Us and athttp://www.buttpaste.com.

Aviation Rescue Swimmers (AIRR) candidates fly out to Pensacola, FL to Naval Air Station Pensacola, usually the day after PIR, where they first attend Naval Aircrew Candidate School (NACCS). Your Sailor will most likely fly out on the day after PIR, but may fly out on Sunday due to flight availability issues. Plan to leave on Sunday if you are able. (If there are not enough AIRR candidates for a class, then your Sailor will remain in the THU in Great Lakes and will fly out when there are enough Sailors for a class, which could take several weeks, which is another reason to plan to leave on Sunday if you are able. Those Sailors will not know this until the week of PIR.) See PIR Day and Liberty During PIR Weekend to help you know how to plan your weekend. Other groups you will want to join if your recruit is a candidate for this rating are Sailors In Pensacola, FL For A School....Corry Station too!! and Parents of A School Sailors in Pensacola. For those with a husband or wife with this rating, check out Spouses of Sailors going to A-school in P-cola

If your recruit has enlisted under one of the Warrior Challenge Programs rather than as "A" School Guaranteed, then your recruit will attend the "A" School for the source rating before beginning the training for the special ops contract, so you will need the information on your recruit's source rating as well in order to know how to plan for PIR weekend since your Sailor could fly out instead of staying in GL. For example, the source ratings for the EOD Challenge Program are AB, AO, BU, CM, EM, EN, GM, HT, IC, IT,  LS, MC, MM, MN, OS, PR, and QM. Of those, EM, EN, GM, HT, IC, MM, MN, OS, and QM remain in GL for "A" School.

The address to write to your recruit is:




GREAT LAKES IL 60088-7103

A note about groups on N4M: Most groups on N4M are public and visible to ANYONE with access to the web and they don't even have to be a Member of N4M to view them. Some groups are private groups and visible only to the members of the groups, BUT unless it indicates "Members must be approved" then ANYONE can join the group and look around and then leave the group. If you do choose to join any groups, be VERY careful what you post.

Here are some of the groups and the links for the Rating Information Cards associated with Special Ops ratings:

SEAL Groups:  PreBUD/S and BUD/S (This group is visible only to members of the group--a good thing.)       SEAL Moms (This group is visible only to members of the group--a good thing.)       (Future or Present Navy Seals) Girlfriends, Fiancees & Wives(This group is visible only to members of the group--a good thing.) 

SEAL Rating Information Card: https://www.cool.navy.mil/usn/enlisted/rating_info_cards/so.pdf

SEALs info on navy.com: http://www.navy.com/careers/special-operations/seals.html

Additional SEAL info: http://www.sealswcc.com/seal-default.html,http://navyseals.com/2097/sealswcc-bootcamp-800-division/, andhttp://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/milpersman/1000/1200Classification/Documents/1220-300.pdf.

Navy Diver Groups: Mom's of Navy Divers (This group is visible to Anyone; be careful when posting there.)     Mom's of Navy Diver Recruits (This group is visible to Anyone; be careful when posting there.)

Navy Diver Rating Information Card:https://www.cool.navy.mil/usn/enlisted/rating_info_cards/nd.pdf

Navy Diver info on navy.com: http://www.navy.com/careers/special-operations/diver.html

Additional ND info: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/milpersman/1000/1200Classification/Documents/1220-100.pdf

Center for Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Diving (CEODD) Preparatory Course [VIDEO] gives info on the Dive training in Panama City, FL.

SB-SWCC Groups: swcc  (This group is visible to Anyone; be careful when posting there.)      SWCC Invitational  (This group is visible only to members of the group--a good thing.)     Headed for SWCC (This group is visible to Anyone; be careful when posting there.)

SB Rating Information Card:https://www.cool.navy.mil/usn/enlisted/rating_info_cards/sb.pdf 

SWCC info on navy.com: http://www.navy.com/careers/special-operations/swcc.html

Additional SWCC info: http://www.sealswcc.com/swcc-default.html,http://navyseals.com/2097/sealswcc-bootcamp-800-division/, andhttp://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/milpersman/1000/1200Classification/Documents/1220-400.pdf

AIRR Groups: Moms of Aviation Rescue Swimmers (This group is visible to Anyone; be careful when posting there.)     AIRCREW (This group is visible only to members of the group--a good thing. It's members include those with loved ones with an AIRR contract, but also others who are not special ops, be careful about posting the rating.)

AIRR Rating Information Cards:https://www.cool.navy.mil/usn/enlisted/rating_info_cards/aircrew.pdf

AIRR candidates will be assigned to a rating of Naval Aircrewman -Tactical Helicopter (AWR) or Naval Aircrewman - Helicopter (AWS) while in Naval Aircrew Candidate School (NACCS). Assignments will be based on the applicant's test scores, personal desires, needs of the Navy, and continued eligibility for the aircrew program.

     AWR: https://www.cool.navy.mil/usn/enlisted/rating_info_cards/awr.pdf

     AWS: https://www.cool.navy.mil/usn/enlisted/rating_info_cards/aws.pdf

AIRR info on navy.com: http://www.navy.com/careers/special-operations/air-rescue.html

Additional AIRR info: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/milpersman/1000/1200Classification/Documents/1220-010.pdf andhttp://www.nsonswmentor.com/Navy-AIRR.html.

EOD Group: EOD (This group is visible to Anyone; be careful when posting there.)

EOD Rating Information Card:https://www.cool.navy.mil/usn/enlisted/rating_info_cards/eod.pdf

EOD info on navy.com: http://www.navy.com/careers/special-operations/eod.html

Additional EOD info: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/milpersman/1000/1200Classification/Documents/1220-200.pdf

NAVY EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE DISPOSAL PROGRAM is a Word document that gives more information about the training for EOD and more. It is old since it still includes SK (Storekeeper) as a source rating and that merged with PC (Postal Clerk) into LS (Logistics Specialist) some time ago and PH (Photographer's Mate) merged into MC (Mass Communication Specialist), but the info is still good.

Center for Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Diving (CEODD) Preparatory Course [VIDEO] gives info on the Dive training in Panama City, FL.

Currently females may enlist as candidates for AIRR, EOD, or ND, but they may be able to join SO and SWCC in 2016. Seehttp://www.navytimes.com/story/military/pentagon/2014/12/27/navy-seal-integration-women-2015-report/20769871/.

If I have used a term or abbreviation that is unclear, What does ??? mean?  (A Guide to Navy Abbreviations and Terminology) should help; if not, please ask because if you have a question, someone else most likely does as well.

Here are the current groups that contain an 800 Division:

818: PIR August 2016 (08/05/2016)

819: PIR September 2016 (09/02/2016)

820: PIR September 2016 (09/09/2016)

Any 800 Divisions with PIR in September 2016: PIR September 2016

900 Divisions

There is almost always a 900 Division in every TG. The 1 April 2011 TG did not have a 900 Division of its own. Sometimes there can be two or even three in one TG if RTC skips a week of PIR. One of the divisions will usually reflect the TG number, but not always. If there is more than one 900 Division, then they will be Brother Divisions. The 900 Divisions begin with Division 901, the division that begins training in the first week of October when the Navy fiscal year begins, and end with Division 952.

Once the recruits arrive, those with the Musician (MU) rating and volunteers who have prior music experience (band, choir, or other musical training) or drill team experience may join a 900 division. There are others who will be chosen for the 900 division by the RDC's during P-days or the first few weeks of BC. These recruits did not have a Musician rating or prior band/music or drill experience, but showed some aptitude for performance, such as military bearing. This is especially true for those chosen to be part of Ship Staff. Recruits with relatively high ASVAB scores have a better chance of being in a 900 division than those with lower scores since they will be better able to keep up with everything that is required of them than those with lower scores. Recruits have been chosen for 900 divisions because they were tall (or short) or had participated in sports in high school or had been in JROTC or stood straighter than others. The Recruits in a 900 division can have contracts for any rating except for those that are in an 800 division.

Once assigned to the division, these recruits go through the same training as other divisions in addition to performance duties. They practice on Saturdays beginning with the Saturday after the division forms and sometimes (rarely) on Sunday afternoons if the need arises for an extra practice. From week 1 DOT (after p-week) until week 4, they practice every Saturday from 3:00 or 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Then beginning the Saturday going into week 5, they also practice on Monday and Wednesday and do a run through on Thursday, then they perform in the real PIR on Friday if there is one that week. They usually perform in two graduations before doing their own. The 900 divisions go through Battle Stations-21 (BST) alone, with another 900 division if there are 2 or more 900 divisions in the TG, with the 800 division/s, or with a pair of brother divisions from the regular divisions.

There are 3 types of 900 divisions. There are the Band/Bluejacket Choir/Drill team, otherwise known as Triple Threat (the musicians, singers, and drill team), the Sticks (those who carry the state flags), and the Ship Staff/Honor Guard (the body snatchers, those who guard various things...). Three 900 divisions perform their duties at each PIR, the 900 division(s) from that TG and if needed one to three 900 divisions from the next one or two TG's. Each 900 Division performs in their own PIR and usually in the PIR for one or two TG's ahead of their own if there is not a 900 division of the same type to perform in the TG/TG's. They may also have performances in the community--that happens mainly for the Triple Threat and Color Guard though. Those in a 900 division wear yellow/gold braided cords (ropes) called aiguillettes on their left shoulders with their dress blues and blue aiguillettes with their dress whites. This helps others to know that they have responsibilities to fulfill during PIR.

You may want to join the Group, 900's division sailors. There will be information on there that relates to your situation. Here is a site I found that explains about 900 Divisions, The Requirements for the Navy RTC 900 Division.

Watch the RTC’s fB page beginning 2 weeks before your recruit’s PIR and you may catch a glimpse of your recruit, but know that not all of the PIR ceremonies are photographed, so don't be disappointed if you do not see your recruit. You will also want to watch the RTC's live stream of PIR beginning 2 weeks before your recruit's PIR. The RTC streams PIR live beginning at 8:45 am CST on the day of PIR athttp://www.livestream.com/usnavyrtc or http://navylive.dodlive.mil/. Check for any streams of the practices for PIR as well. They will also have the videos saved on there for a short time if people were unable to watch live or if you want to stop it to check out a particular recruit or Sailor more closely.

The PIR ceremony is conducted, with help, from the graduating 900 Division/s and one/two Jr. Divisions in their 7th and 6th week of training. Each incoming 900 division is assigned one of the responsibilities listed below, on a constantly rotating basis.

Ship Staff is in charge on PIR day. They greet and welcome the Officers and their distinguished guests as Sideboys. They play the role of "Body Snatcher" walking up and down the rows of Sailors, watching for and sometimes catching any Sailor about to or going down. (They lock their knees sometimes and pass out.) They help the Navy Corpsmen in the back room. They guard doors or the rails and perform a myriad of tasks behind the scenes and in front, such as directing people and helping those who require a wheelchair. It is their job to help make sure all goes smoothly. The Honor Guard Drill Team also does a rifle performance at the beginning of the ceremony. Since those in Ship Staff/Honor Guard have duties to perform before and during PIR, they do not march in through the doors when the other divisions march in on the day of PIR.
Sticks (Flags) does an incredible march perfectly timed and executed to the drum corps cadence. It is their job to present the flags for every state in the union. They are lined up by height, so the flow looks better, so your recruit will probably not get to carry his/her home state flag. They also honor those who have gone before by presenting the POW and MIA flags, as well as the US flag and the US Navy flag in the Color Guard. Some sticks may be part of a drum-line and keep the cadence.

Triple Threat is comprised of those who are on the Rifle Drill team and all those who were chosen for their musical abilities. The Blue Jacket Choir performs the National Anthem, Anchors Aweigh and anything else they've been tasked with. The band plays at various times throughout the ceremony. The Drum Corps also marches and helps everyone else stay in step and keep time. Those in a Triple Threat division will not march in with the other divisions since they will already be on the Drill Hall floor.

The address to write to your recruit is:


GREAT LAKES IL 60088-7105  (60088-3156 will also work)

Is there an advantage to being in a 900 Division? It all depends on your point of view. Loved ones may catch a glimpse of the recruit in photos posted on the RTC’s fB page. The recruits in a 900 division get to interact with civilians more than those in a regular division if they are at extra PIR’s or events in the community. The recruits often begin working together as a team faster than those in a regular division, but not always. There is extra work involved since these recruits go through the same training that those in a regular division do as well as having the practices for PIR. There is nothing special after BC tied to being in a 900 division.

What do the "extras" in a 900 Division do? There are extras in each 900 division. They train just like everyone else in the division. They must be ready if called upon to take the place of a recruit who is sick or injured or who is otherwise unable to perform. Some of the extras help to clean the stands, Drill Hall, rooms used for preparation.... Some will be in charge of setting things up and putting things away before and after PIR.Some will great guests and check their names against the Access List. Some of the extras will be escorts and assist with seating those in need of wheelchairs or other assistance. Some will be "seaters" and direct guests to the appropriate section. (If you have a recruit who is one of the extras, please let me know what else the "extras" do. Thanks.)

Those with a Sailor in the graduating 900 division will be instructed to wait in your bleacher area while your Sailors take care of duties or return instruments or equipment. Your Sailor will take care of that and join you there.

Here are the current 900 Divisions:

939: Triple Threat: PIR August 2016 (08/05/2016)

(Division 939 will also perform during the 07/22/2016 PIR and the 07/29/2016 PIR.)

940: Ship Staff/Honor Guard: PIR August 2016 (08/12/2016)

(Division 940 will also perform their duties during the 07/29/2016 PIR and the 08/05/2016 PIR.)

941: Sticks (Flags): PIR August 2016 (08/19/2016)

(Division 941 will also perform during the 08/05/2016 PIR and the 08/12/2016 PIR.)

942: Triple Threat: PIR August 2016 (08/26/2016)

(Division 942 will also perform during the 08/12/2016 PIR and the 08/19/2016 PIR.)

943: Ship Staff/Honor Guard: PIR September 2016 (09/02/2016)

(Division 943 will also perform their duties during the 08/19/2016 PIR and the 08/26/2016 PIR.)

944: Sticks (Flags): PIR September 2016 (09/09/2016)

(Division 944 will also perform during the 08/26/2016 PIR and the 09/02/2016 PIR.)

945: Triple Threat: PIR September 2016 (09/16/2016)

(Division 945 will also perform during the 09/02/2016 PIR and the 09/09/2016 PIR.)

946:Ship Staff/Honor Guard: PIR September 2016 (09/23/2016)

(Division 946 will also perform their duties during the 09/09/2016 PIR and the 09/16/2016 PIR.)

947: Sticks (Flags): PIR September 2016 (09/30/2016)

(Division 947 will also perform during the 09/16/2016 PIR and the 09/23/2016 PIR.)

948: Triple Threat:

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