I have an post that you new Navy dads might find not only interesting, but that you may relate to. A friend had his daughter ship off to Army basic training last week. She has communicated some of her experiences and you might find some parallels with what your new recruits are experiencing at Great Lakes. He posted this on his FaceBook page and gave me permission to use his post. I've edited out the names:
***** Update 03/26/2014
Got another letter from *****! A super awesome thing and blessing is that six or seven girls started to get together in the mornings for morning prayer and devotions. It is so awesome and thankful she says. She also said that it is a great boost and encouragement to meet with these young ladies. However she said there is a lot of spiritual warfare going on because of it with other women there. She still has no address and really wishing in a big way that she can get mail from family and friends. (NOTE FROM DAD: I heard that the best part of their day is when they get MAIL! So please, write to her when I release her address. Thank you so much for supporting her.)
She misses everyone and she is going through junk food withdrawal, Especially Taco Bell and Hot Cheetoes. She also misses her music big time. She received her Dog Tags and says that’s epic. She has been able to attend Church on Sunday’s on the base and she is so thankful for that.
Got another letter from ****! There are now 20 girls that meet for devotions and prayer and that is so important to her. Apart from that she said that her Unit lacks unity and respect and says there is fighting and almost a fist fight broke out in the barracks. She says a lot of the girls are very immature and disrespectful. She said that girls like that are such a challenge to her. (Please pray for unity in the barracks and to work together as a team.) All in all she says she is doing fine.
***** and Dad
I know that many of your sons and daughters also find faith or a renewed need to express that faith in Boot Camp. Note how important letter are there as well......that is your hint to WRITE and also note that it also takes awhile to get addresses at the Army. You see that is is also taking time for the training unit to gel as a team.
My point in all this is to show that you, as new Navy Dads and Moms are not alone in your experiences and that your sons and daughters are going though many similar experiences.