TG stands for Training Group which is defined as that group of recruits that graduate on the same PIR day. Training Groups are numbered sequentially and start with TG 01. TG 01 the training group that begins training the first week of October (when the Navy fiscal year begins). Most of the recruits in TG 01 arrived at RTC the last week of September. Over the last few years, TG’s can have as few as 4 Divisions and as many as 15 divisions. Pass in Review (PIR) is held in Midway Ceremonial Hall (also called the Drill Hall) and was built to accommodate up to 16 divisions. In theory there could be as many as 52 TG's in a year, but RTC skips about 4 weeks each year. As a general rule, the week of the fiscal year is the TG number.
A division starts with 88 recruits who live and train together. It's important to note the division number as it is part of the mailing address for your sailor. Recruits graduate (PIR) as divisions and you will use that number to help find your sailor at PIR. There are three sequences of divisions number at RTC: 800-series divisions are the divisions for the special warfare candidates, and include SEAL candidates, SWCC, and several other classifications. 900-series divisions are the performance divisions, and includes three types: the Band/Bluejacket Choir/Drill team, otherwise known as "Triple Threat" (the musicians, singers, and drill team), the "Sticks" (those who carry the state flags), and the Ship Staff/Honor Guard. All other divisions numerically start at 001 at the beginning of the fiscal year and are numerically consecutive until the next fiscal year starts. Thus division 001 is placed in TG 01. Division 801 is the first 800 Division and Division 901 is the first 900 division and they continue with consecutive numbers as well until the next fiscal year as do the lower number divisions.
Each division, except the 800-series and 900-series divisions (unless there are 2 of them in a TG), train with a "Brother Division". Brother Divisions are two consecutive divisions beginning with an odd number (001-002 or 231-232 for example).