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  • I was viewing pictures when I came across this poem.  It reminded me of my son graduating from high school this past May 2015. At his graduation the pricipal of the school asked all those who are going into the military to please stand. They received a standing ovation all 11 of them out of a class of 645 students. My son along with all of your son's be they Army, Navy, Marine, Air force, Coast Guard fit the mold of what this poem represents. They do! follow all that is said in this poem. I pretty much choked up reading it because it represented to me all the values that I have placed on "ALL" the veterans since the beginning of this country, to allow me to be who I am today, their sacrifices for me can never be repaid, my son in some small part has added to the patriotism that previous veterans have endowed in me to serve and to pay back without their ever knowing why I joined or why my son now serves to protec t their rights and freedoms as they did mine and my son.. (I'm just saying).

  • Thanks to all soldiers serving or retired.
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