• Jul 20, 2017 from 5:00pm to 10:00pm
  • Location: Lakehurst Events (Formerly Sundance Saloon)
  • Latest Activity: Dec 6, 2022

The meet and greet is held the night before each PIR. All are welcome. This is the meet and greet that you may have heard about from other moms and dads. There is food and information about what to expect the next morning as you make your way to the graduation.

Please RSVP here so we can get a head count. Please provide your first and last name for the reservation. The email you used to log on to NavyDads.com will be used to send your confirmation of your reservation. Please provide your sailor's division number and the number of people attending in the discussion box below.

There is a buffet and a cash bar. Donations for the food are welcome! Children are welcome and soft drinks are available.

All times are Chicago time. (Central)

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  • Our Sailor is in Division 226, Not sure what time we'll be there, but we'll make it.


  • Robert, I assume you're flying in? We do recommend that you fly into Milwaukee. Much less congested than O'Hare and you can rent a car there as well. Here is a link to a hotel guide for the Great Lakes region.


  • I just received word that Ryan (Div 223) is not graduating on the 21st. Just a voice message so no idea why.  But the 5 we had scheduled will not be at this event.

  • My son Graduation on July 21. I will attend with my wife and 2 other members. I need some information about hotel rental close to the base and also car rental. If someone have any information, please pass that important information such as phone number or any other information. Thank you.
  • Mindy Berry (RICKYSMOM13@AOL.COM) Our Sailor is in Div 225, we have 4 guests attending. Thank you for doing this! We are so excited.

  • Got it!

  • Division 817

  • Robert Kellar, what division number is your sailor in?

  • we will be a group of three

  • Hi -
    2 of us will be there. Our Sailor is in Division 221.
    Thank you!!
    This is wonderful.
    Jen and Tom

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