• Apr 30, 2011 from 9:30am to 12:00pm
  • Location: OldWest Cafe
  • Latest Activity: Dec 6, 2022
The DFW members of NavyDads would like to invite you to our Meet and Greet at the end of this month. Everyone is welcome including those who haven’t yet joined NavyDads. So spread the word. We do ask that you RSVP with the number in your party so we can advise the Café of seating needs. It will be a great time to meet the families and loved ones of our guys and gals in the Navy, plus we can brag, show pictures, and tell stories about how they’re all doing. No ending time till we are full and have nothing else to say.
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  • I'm probably a little slow on the uptake here, but my RSVP is for 2 - my N4M wife will be along as well.
  • Got a email from Don that we need to add 2 more to the list of those attending. I am posting it here so we will not forget to add them in the final count.
  • Yes, I will be attending... I am the Mrs. my husband has to go to class and cannot attend.
  • Kelly and I will be there.

    And a nice young lady named Lea (through my email invite) along with her hubby will be there as well.

    4 total

  • wish to heck I could make it. but work being what is is and all....I know you'll have a great time together.............
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