• Mar 19, 2025 from 4:00pm to 9:00pm
  • Location: Lakehurst Center 300 Lakehurst Road Waukegan
  • Latest Activity: 12 hours ago

Most of you may, or may not know, that my wife and I have been hosting the meet and greet since 2012, and we have served over 400,000 meals. My family and I host this event forty-eight times a year so our Navy Families can get together and meet with those they have met on face book and who are on this journey together. We rely strictly on the kindhearted generous contributions and (recommend/request a minimum contribution of at least $11.50 per person) by those attending the buffet line. No food, no labor, or incidentals are donated. We do not do this for profit, we do it for you. Our out-of-pocket expenses must cover the catered food, labor, utilities, giveaways for the kids, Veteran Certificates, and room prep and clean-up. We cannot continue to do this each week without your support, which is why I am appealing to each of you. We are not a 501(c)3 organization, just a good old mom and pop American military family giving back to those who raised a Hero to defend our Great Country.

Navy Family Social The only Meet and Greet Click here for reservations

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