My wife and I would love to hear from you if you have children in this Div. Our son is in this Div.

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  • Hi I am John father of Terri In Division 917 Ship 6. My wife Zane has been on Navy Moms from the start. I on the other hand have been paying the bills. I am still proud of our daughter Terri. She is probably doing very well as she is very attentive to anything she does, except writing home that is. We love her just the same.
  • This is my first post here, just joined. I'll have to catch up a little bit, because we PIR this coming Friday. My daughter is in Div 109. It looks like your son will graduate on March 13th, so our daughter must be two weeks ahead of him.
  • Hi! My husband is in Division 917! I've been searching everywhere for someone else,lol.
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