Excellent book about Navy Boot Camp

Don't know how many are aware of it, but the Naval Institute Press published an excellent book documenting the entire Navy Boot Camp experience. Titled Honor, Courage, Commitment, it follow a division of recruits from MEPs to PIR. The book was written by J.F. Leahy, who went through Navy Boot Camp "back in the day" and makes and makes it a point to document both the similarities as well as the differences in today's training. I was really impressed with the book and would recommend it for any parent whose child is going through Boot Camp. It will really help you to understand what they are going through, although that may not be an entirely good thing! : )

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  • Jim- this is a valuable addition to the disucssion Jon started last year- NavyDads reading list. The Naval Institute Press has many volumes of interest and they are worth checking out.....www.usni.org
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