
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc

Nuke MM

Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::

Served from 1984 - 1992 as a Nuke Machinist's Mate / ELT qualified in submarines. Served aboard SSN-603, AS-19, and SSN-755.

Prior Military Experience

Proud Navy Veteran, Desert Storm Veteran

What Brought You To This Site:

my son is recently enlisted

What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:

Proud that he chose to serve this great nation, and want to do all I can to support and encourage him.

What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor


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  • Jim G.,


    I'm an ex-nuke with a son heading for nuke school, too.  My son's PIR is 1/14/11.  From what I've learned, the navy's programs are better organized than when I went through.  I was in 71-77, on the USS Permit SSN 594 from 73-77.

  • Jim
    I can see from talking to my son that they do not pull any punches here The Navy is dead serious about maintaining their safety record and they push the students hard. What I see in Aaron is while he may get frustrated he is also learing to take it one day at a time learn the information and move on. I told him tongue in cheek that this is like BUD/S school for the nerds. He thought that was funny. Anyway tell your son to hang in there. Study hard and enjoy his free time Look up my son on the Volly ball court or the soccer field when they open it
  • Jim G,
    My son Jason is at nuke field A school right now and is in phase 3 where he can stay off base Friday and Sat nights. He classed up in late Jan and Graduated Jan 2nd. He is an ET like I was but a target as you may say. The feeling to have your son go through the same program you did and want to do it is a very nice feeling but I know I showed concerns as to the pace in the nuke field. Congratulations and I guess pass in review shortly. We have made one trip to Charleston in Feb and going again in April.
    Take care- Don
  • Jim Thank you for your reply and the helpful information. I'm honored to received a reply from a veteran with your service record. Thank you and please thank your son for his service for our nation. Sounds as if he has some big shoes to fill, But he is on the right track. Bill
  • Jim,
    I just wanted to check in with you and see if all is well with Aaron. I'm hoping that everything went alright with his physical. I don't know if you've heard from him or not. If you haven't I would take that as a good sign.
  • No box yet, but I am glad my wife will not be here to see it arrive (she is taking care of her Mom, who had a recent stroke, in NY). I am also missing Aaron a lot, but it helps to have his older brother around to fill the empty space left by Aaron's absence...

    I now have Aaron's address, he is in Ship 11, Div. 142. Should PIR the first week in April, if the info on the RTC is accurate. I have already sent several letters, and more will be on the way soon.

    We moved to the valley of the sun from New Hampshire (the land of no sun...) in 2001.
  • A referee, Yeah I have had my run in's with you guys but it just makes the game a whole lot more fun..That is interesting. Well we got Steven's box Friday afternoon with his clothes in it. Did you all get Aaron's? Boy that was a sad time. I think I am taking this harder than his mother.. He has always been beside me. Even when he was a little fellow he would run up and down the sidelines with me...By the Way we are from Blacksburg, SC. Where are you all from? I think I can get Steven's address tomorow from his recruiter. They should be getting assigned to their division today, You should try and contact his recruiter tomorrow and see if they can get his address. I know they wont get any mail for at least three weeks but at least we can start sending them letters. Would it be something if Steven and Aaron were in the same division... Keep me informed.
    Coach D
  • I know you are as proud of Aaron as I am of Steven. Best wishes to Aaron on his Navy career.
  • Jim
    Welcome from another Arizona resident!! My son's dad served in the Navy from 1982 to 1993 as a CTM. During his time in the Navy he never served on a ship. He served at various bases mostly in Europe and some in the U.S.
    I'm sure you are very proud of Aaron's choice to follow in your footsteps. I appreciate his commitment to serve as well as yours. My son, Billy is in Great Lakes now working on his last few weeks of A-School for IC. He is very anxious to get away from all that cold weather back there!
    My best wishes to Aaron with his Navy career!!
  • Jim--- be sure to check out my Arizona Sailors group.....there aren't many of us from the Grand Canyon state yet, but hopefully we'll be able to organize a meet-and-greet one of these days!! I'm in Green Valley, a little south of Tucson! Paul
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