Cars at A school?

My daughter was told when she will start in Monterrey for A school. In her letter she said that after a while she will be able to have her car shipped to her. Can sailors have cars at A school? Tony

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  • My Son will going to IT A school at Correy Station, Pensacola FL. Anyone have experiance about cars there?
  • In Great Lakes. The only students authorized to drive on base are ET and FC students due to the length of their schools, and married students living in housing or out in town. The rest can drive on base but are not supposed to do so during school hours. I know there are some that drive anyway but they are doing so at their own risk. A good example is the young man that backed into my car in the NEX parking lot a couple of months ago. He was not authorized to drive on base and did not have insureance on top of that. He lost his driving priviledges.
  • In answer to cars on base as I know it. Great Lakes A-School base did allow students with long term schools to have vehicles on base. I believe in November of 09 the rule was changed to no more A-School students will be allowed parking passes for vehicles on base. Most students who desire vehicles can go to the North Chicago City Hall and obtain a parking which will allow them to park vehicles at the train station between the A-School and RTC. I can not answer for other training commands.

    My son is leaving for C-School in San Diego this Monday. We are driving his vehicle which is registered in my name. All he needs is valid registration, insurance and a letter from me authorizing him to drive the vehicle. The car is already registered at Great Lakes and should not need a new sticker in California until the present one expires in 2012. Hope I have helped somewhat. Gary T.
  • Every Base/Command is different, at some point she should be allowed a car on base. If I remember A school at DLI can be a year or more depending on the language she is learning, so a car could come in handy. My son did A school at Corry in FL and he was allowed a car within a few weeks, but she will need to check with her chain of command once she is settled in. She might also want to think about just buying a "beater" car while there and then reselling it when she leaves, it maybe a lot cheaper/easier then shipping her car out there and finding out after graduation she is going somewhere she cant take her car.
  • does the car have to be in the parents name or the child name? my son is in c school in virginia and i am waiting on the verdict weather i have to go pick up the truck he took back down there or the notorized letter given him permission to drive it there and leave on base going to work if anybody knows please let me know thank you!
  • My daughter is in A school at Pensacola and they told her she could have her car once she got into Phase 3, which takes about 4 to 6 weeks after they get there.
  • Good question. My daughter Alda reported to A school in Athens, Georgia, yesterday, with her car. She had to park it at the front gate because she had not yet had it inspected or gotten the base decal. So she had to walk on. But she is an officer and living off base for next next none months. (Supply School) They were also able to have cars at OCS, but they had to stay parked in a special parking lot and could not drive them. She did not have a car at that time. So she and a few of her classmates used another classmate's car to store what was not permitted in their rooms.
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